I don't know what to name this blog, so I will do it at the end.
This morning I went out to my car to find it gone. Gone. Stolen. Ripped off. Someone stole my van. It was old, big, ugly, and paid for.
I guess I should be upset. And I sort of am. I was shocked. It took me a second to register it. After realizing that Michael didn't move it, and then calling to find that it had not been towed- the tow company referred me to the sheriff's department, and that's when it dawned on me. Someone STOLE my car.
So after talking to my former insurance agent (my sister) and realizing that I do have coverage for it and only a $100 deductible and will actually come out on top of this. I filed a police report with the sheriff who was like, 12. OK, perhaps he was 20- but he could have been 12. Then I called my insurance company and made a claim.
I think I should be more upset. I think I should be hysterical and even driving around town looking for the damn thing. (There was hardly any gas in it, they couldn't have gotten FAR.) I should be looking online for new cars. Trying to figure out how long it will take the insurance company to process my paperwork.
But I'm not. I borrowed Michaels car, and I went to Walgreens, because I need bronzer. My foundation is too light and I need to blend it and make it darker because in pictures, my face is too light and I look like a clown. I did all I can do about the car- and I just have to let it go now. That's it. I can see where I would normally be getting all twirly about it and trying to make sure that I have transportation. Can I borrow a car, can I get a loan, can I afford a car payment....quack quack quack. But you know, it doesn't matter right now. I am not going to force a solution, because there isn't one. My car was stolen, the insurance company will give me some money for it and I'll get a new car. Preferably sooner than later- but whatever. I can get new car seats. It's not like we don't have two car seats in Michael's car.
I called my sponsor and shared that with her. That I'm strangely calm. She said I was handling it well. What else is there to do?? I guess the program is working. Take it easy....easy does it...keep it simple... I can't change the fact that something pretty crappy happened, but I don't have to let it ruin my whole life. I heard an AlAteen speaker say something like, "If I lose my truck, it's not the end of the world, I just have one less truck." That's how I feel. I am down one van- one big white ugly old paid for van that I will get more from the insurance company for than I paid for it two years ago. I am not sentimental about it. It served it's purpose- I didn't have many problems with it. I suppose I should just say thank you, and let it go.
There are still alot of good things about my life, and I'm not going to let this one bad thing wipe away all the good things that are happening to me right now. Yes, this is definately growth. Perhaps I will never learn how to detach from my addict husband. Perhaps I will never be able to approach the alcoholic situation with compassion and love. Perhaps I will never set down and stick to boundaries when it comes to what brought me to the program to begin with.
But the fact that I can apply my program to the other aspects of my life, tells me that this program is not JUST for dealing with the alcoholic/addict in my life. It's for dealing with MY LIFE and whatever is it.
Bravo! :)
You have a beatiful and powerful blog. I think what you are doing is great. Not great like scoring a touchdown in the superbowl great, but great like something that God's hand has touched. I wish you all the grace, strength, and happiness you can handle.
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