I think that I am less dirty than others, but more dirty than most. Just because I get and give dildo's for gifts does not make me dirty. Or does it??
And speaking of dildo's... oh wait, wrong profile....
Apparently they know me better than I thought.
I have had a few nicknames and such through my life. Most of them of course revolve around my name. Jewels, being the most common and widely used. It was on my license plate of my first car. A white Ford Escort GT, with a skirt kit and rims. Sexy ass car. I'm sure a few of you remember that car. I also went by Jules, Juls, Julz and Little Jew-ells.
I signed my name Jewels. That's right. Like Madonna and Cher. Just "Jewels." That stopped when I was about 22, and I went to Julie. I was in management and felt I needed to have a last name. There are a few people that still call me Jewels though, I can almost feel how they'd spell it. My cousins, my sisters, my friend Ed. I don't mind it. E-husband always calls me Julie. I can't remember him every calling me Jules (which is the name I use for this blog sometimes) or Jewels or any other variation.
My ex husband called me Princess. I was young, he was younger. I prefer "Queen" now, or "Mistress of the Night."
My e-husband called me Baby Bird, and I'm not sure why- but I always liked it and thought it was very endearing and sweet. But he never said it out loud, just on letters or cards.
My mom called me Jelly Bean. That was always my favorite. I have a friend who I call Jelly Bean now, cause she is so cheerful and happy- like a bowl of jelly beans. I suspect that is not why my mom called me that, but it's possible. I was a happy kid.
Nicknames are always kind of fun. They come from different places and from different people and some stick, like it or not.
So do I protest against Dirrrty Julie??

Why bother?
If the shoe fits...
LMAO @ Mistress of the Night. Is there really a difference between Jules and Jewels when they're spoken? BTW... Christina looks way too fucking hot in that pic.
if you're handing out gifts? mine is in the shop and could use a new one (yes I mean what you mean)
Well I think you've seen the newer one I bought. It never needs repair... hee hee.
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