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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How tough is 'Good morning'?

So I need to complain to the NEW preschool about the morning teachers. I don't expect them to get on their knees and greet my kids with hugs and kisses, but you know- "Good Morning Boys!" in a semi thoughtful voice is expected. I pay $67 a day. I think they can at least shout out a greeting. They said good morning to me- after I said it to them. I realize it's early, and that they are tired. You don't have to get up from your chair- but for fuck's sake, look OVER!! Say Good morning to the boys- ask how they are- be a child care provider!! ugh. So I'm going to call this morning and discuss my concern. I know that I can't be bitchy to these women, for fear that the boys will ultimately bear the brunt of it- but you know, they can't be ALLOWED to be shitty day care teachers.

So after leaving the day care center this morning I went to the store and picked up some bottled water and I walked in to the little convenience section at a Mobil station and a nice smiling gentleman said, "Well Good Morning Dear!"

Well THANK YOU!!!! Geez!- is that so fuckin hard??

There are some people here at the hospital who don't respond when you say Good Morning. It's a greeting- I'm not selling you anything. You can LOOK at me. I am no Mary Poppins ok? I don't come in singing Good Morning to You from Singing in the Rain or anything. I just said "Good Morning" as I pass people. It's polite. But there are certain people who don't even look at you, or they just give you a dead stare. I don't get it. This is a hospital!! Aren't we supposed to look like we care about people? Like we WANT to help you??

I wonder if I DID come in singing "Good Morning to You", would that make a difference?


And what a LOVELY Mornin!!!

1 comment:

Andy Land said...

It's never a good morning to them. They're surrounded by screaming kids.
