Because my life is just me, my kids and my internet access I tend to meet men online. The picture I have here for 25peeps is the same one I use for myspace, so you know- I appear kinda hot in my panties and all. But anyway, the emails go back and forth, on and on. And I occasionally get asked for my phone number.

Now be good to mama, tell me what I want to hear!!
According to CougarPlanet, I am 3 in cougar years. Cougar age is your actual age minus 32.5. THIRTY TWO AND A HALF???
So now I just need to find myself a wounded zebra.
Do you have a cell phone? I feel like you could probably give out the number to the celly whenever, if you start to feel a connection or just want to chat. But I wouldn't give out the house number. The cell phone is almost disposable; the house is where you live!
I think young is okay for screwing around only - nothing serious. Smoking hot is always nice :)
And I'm 4 - who knew?
I guess it depends on just how inappropriately young he is???? LOL
I agree....cellphone:-)
Tammie Jean, I'm not sure that I feel a connection, but I'd like to connect a feel!!! *hee hee
Just Me, Legal + 3. Do you have a cougar age??
Work with me people!!!
I'm three and a half in cougar. I dunno, I had this sort of internet 'affair' thing with this smoking hot 22 year old but quite frankly his emails weren't all that interesting even the cyber sex ones...I think if we had met and er, connected on a genital level, it would have been great...i love the idea of younger men PLEASURING me for hours, but the reality I think is not so stimulating because their brains aren't really developed at that age.
ha ha and as for your previous post about the guy saying 'ur cute we should hook up' that's just the kind of stuff my 22 year old would write: 'elabor8 on wot u want me to do 2 make you cum'....
I think that's the way the 'kids' communicate these days.
Okay...Legal + anything is good.
Oh, my Cougar Age 7.5
I'm an old cougar.
As long as he's legal I say it's no problem. Though I prefer older men, for some reason I keep winding up with younger guys. They're lots of fun, but OMG they're so clueless.
As for the phone thing... you definitely wanna stick to giving out the cell number. I almost never give out my house number.
In cougar years I'm only 9 months old... how awesome is that? That's a kick ass website too.
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