julie is a bitch
julie is a serious and conscientious employee; however...
julie is the redhead next door
julie is a super hot redhead featured at busty beauties
julie is embroiled in a fight against city hall regarding leaf blowers
julie is at high risk of schizophrenia
julie is comfortable in most settings
julie is eager to read books that will tell her about life outside her culture
julie is no more
julie is irate at the pregnancy
julie is forced to give it up
Well, I've been called worse. The worst thing I was called at work was "unfriendly and uncooperative". That is such total bullshit (Dardis) that I laughed outloud and rejected it, cause everyone knows that my GOAL in life is to ensure that people like me- and to DO that- I have to be friendly and cooperative.
I meant it when I asked if his hands were broken... I was just baffled at the fact that someone would actually cross a room, and walk by a copy machine to ask me to make one copy for them. I was concerned that perhaps he was suffering from something debilitating that made it impossible for him to set down a piece of paper and hit one oversized button. I made the damn copy. If I had laughed in his face, and told him to "kiss my ass you twatty little bitch," THAT would be unfriendly and uncooperative.
Some people just don't know how to take a joke.
Ok, so if any of you decide to send me a "Julie, Do You Love me?" picture. I will, I really will. Golfwidow sent me one, seconds before I totally pissed her off- but I have been forgiven- even though this wretched song plays in her head everytime she reads my blog....
Some of you have said you'd like to send a picture- so lets see 'em. Make me love you. Come on, I'm easy. Just ask anyone!!!

D-Man is a god!
(OK, I made that one up, but if enough people write it, then Google will have to acknowledge it).
I already sent you a pic, miss greedy! I'll see what I can come up with in the next week or so...
Julie is no more??? wtf!!?? LOL
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