Anyway. he called me tonight to tell me that a nurse who was a student 7 months ago came in today because she recognized his name on the patient board. She's an RN now and she came in and visited with him. Said she could tell that he had put on some weight (that's a good thing) and that she and her boyfriend had broken up. Asked if he was divorced yet.
She is in her late 20's, and she said, "Well you're only 36- that's not much older than me."
She's HOOKIN UP!!!! She's gettin all Grey's Anatomy on him.

So as he's telling me this, I'm giggling and teasing him to talk to her more. Get her number, her email address, whatever. I'm encouraging him. He admitted he was a bit flustered by her. It's been a while since a woman has noticed him like that. He joked with me about it- something about a sponge bath.
I admit that he does look a lot better, and I always thought he was a good looking guy when he is healthy. He is dangerously charming when he wants to be. It's an italian thing, I guess. I was giggling cause I can just see him attempting to be smooth despite the unfortunate surroundings- it made me smile at the fact that someone saw him as a man.
Later though, I wondered if I should not have been so excited about it. I did explain to him that it would not hurt to work on his game a bit. A little flirting doesn't hurt anyone- even through he claims that he has no intention of dating anyone. There's nothing wrong with some ego strokes- but something tells me that I was doing damage by encouraging him to 'take the hit.' He seemed a bit hurt (and maybe a little suspicious) that I was so amused and supportive of it.
Doesn't a good e-wife encourage her e-husband to go out and meet other women?? I mean, I'm just supporting the cause.
i've been wondering what e-husband meant, now i get it.
if this were a sane world it would be normal to have e's encourage e's to flirt and get back in the game. of course i would encourage current spouses to flirt and stay in the game. ;) buuut the way things usually work is that jealousy and possessiveness is encouraged and cultivated, so the take i get from his disappointment is that he was secretly hoping you would be a teensy bit jealous.
I agree that he was probably hoping for a little bit of jealousy from you, but I think if you plan to remain friends, it's good to be supportive of his future endeavors.
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