That's what I get for forgetting things. I walked out of my office yesterday to go home, and I turned around and went back, because I forgot my purse. simple enough.
When I leaned over to pick up my purse, a sharp pain shot through my lower back. It was so sudden and shocking and I could not stand back up straight. I was able to, hunched over, get myself back into my chair- but when I had re-entered my office, I let the door close behind me. There was a station of doctors and nurses on the other side of that door, but there I was, unable to move to get any help.
Reaching for my cell phone, thank God I was just about to make a phone call and it was in my pocket- I called one of my friends who I knew was in the break room. "Hey Jul what's up."
I quickly explained to her that I was in my office, and that I hurt my back and needed help. She said I was lying, and where am I? I reiterated, again, that I was in my office- and can you please help. So she came over and brought reinforcements.
Talk about a total scene. Four nurses, and a neurologist are now in my office, asking me what happened. Do I need to go to the ER? Did I hear something "pop"? How was I moving? Did I have my knees bent? Was a twisting?
No ER, no popping, I was bending over. I have no idea if my knees were bent or if I was twisting. I know one thing, I was bending over to pick up my purse. That's all I know. So the Neurologist called over the Physical Therapy doctor for a consult. Now more people are looking. Was I twisting? Did I hear a pop? Was the pain radiating down my legs?
Take 800mg of ibuprofen, right now. Rest for 2-3 days. Drink lots of water and if it is still persistent, see your physician on Monday, you may need an x-ray. If by later tonight, you still cannot walk-go to the ER. The pain was low on my back. Lumbar. I cannot support my body, or walk or sit back into my hips. Not without a lot of pain, I explained to her.
I called Mike, who came to pick me up- and then was brought out in a FUCKING WHEELCHAIR. Yeah, talk about a scene. Of course everyone I know managed to be out in the hallway as I was wheeled out- my friend who was pushing the wheelchair, just for fun- called out, "Discharge- (enter my last name here!)" yeah, funny.
I spent all night on my back, with one of those Thermalcare pads, which strangely- is STILL hot this morning. Mike gave me one of his pain pills, which made me nauseated, but which was fancy....
This morning I can move a little better. I can walk unassisted, but not very long, or very far. This fucken blows. And now I'm captive to my kids who are now barraging me with questions and conversations about Little Foot, Pirate Ships and myspace bulletins.