Danny having fun in the bath.
E-husband. waiting for the meds to kick in...
Gabe is dancing.

Where I work.

The path to the front of the building. The sun was just coming up. So I stopped to snap this picture. To the right of the picture, you can see some of the orange hue from the fires.
I am not sure if you heard, but SO MUCH of Southern California is on fire. There's a fire about 20 miles south, AND 40 miles north of me. It's very overcast, the air quality is bad. And I would guess that over a half a million acres of So Cal land is burning right now. Everyone is having major allergy problems with the Santa Ana Winds, and on top of that- all the ash that is in the air.
towards Santiago Canyon. 6:30AM. About 25 miles away.
Towards Santiago Canyon, 7:10 AM. The sun is coming up over the hill.
Towards Malibu. You can see small fires on this hill, but there isn't anything on the news about fires in this area. Malibu is about 50 miles north of here, but you can see the smoke in the air.
Over half a million people have been forced to evacuate their homes. It's unreal.

1 comment:
Hey Julie,
We just got an email from Eric Johnson (Kyle's best man in the wedding). Lives down in SD and he and his family were evacuated. So was Derek (a groomsman in the wedding). Eric's wife Aminy and their 20 month old daughter are staying with an aunt and he is staying with is sister. Pretty scary stuff. Fingers are crossed that the winds die down SOON. Love ya, Lo
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