So here's my picture for Half Nekkid Thursday.
I got a tripod so I can take picture now withoput a flash and have them be nice and steady. Lets hope my pictures greatly improve now.
With that, I'm fucking exhausted. Have a great Thursday and be prepared for me to tell you more about my research into the world of home sex parties. Getting closer to picking one.
Don't kid yourself. Your old h.s. friends want to see your cleavage too!
You look tired baby...
A home sex party??!?!!? *sigh* [jealous]
Home sex parties! I'll be waiting to hear more. Get some sleep first woman. You look wore out. *hugs* Happy HNT pretty!
The photos might get better but the subject is good enough already! Happy HNT.
That is a great color on you. Can we see it off you as well?
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