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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Monday, September 01, 2008

I'm off my meds- Breathe at your own risk

Mike said to the kids this morning that every time I have to raise my voice, it makes HIS skin crawl.

I should tell him that the sight of him makes my stomach turn, and say it REALLY LOUD!!!

I HAVE lost the ability to give a damn, though. The other day, he fell. This is not new, he falls alot. Over medicated and he gets... fatigued (which is the nice way to put it) and so he has a tendency to fall asleep on his feet. It's maddening really and I just want to tip him over, much like they do COWS. ha ha.

So he will be sitting or standing, and slowly leaning forward... forward... forward, until SMACK his legs finally give out and he hit whatever is in front of him. Many evening I find him with his head in the sink. Last night I found him asleep, leaning into the back of my car. I know, it's fucking ridiculous.

But anyway, the other day he fell, hard. He hit his neck and his jaw on something, I'm not sure what. However, the side of his jaw is swollen. Like there's a big old knot on the side of his jaw like he got hit really hard with a rolling pin.

Man, I never get to have any fun.

In case you are wondering, yes I AM off the Lexapro again. I just can't afford it right now. Xanax (as needed) is cheaper and really much more fun for now. I can call her office and get some samples.

Meh... financial aid funding is in a few weeks. Everyone will have to just deal with me until then.


garbonzo said...

that is too bad. The Lexapro is good stuff! (I should know. I've been on it for four years now.)

Sorry to hear he is being a jerk. Maybe next time he will fall and the sink will be full of water???

Old Bogus said...

What's there to deal with? You sound cool to me. :)

Lexapro Prescription Information said...

My name is Lisa Carter and i would like to show you my personal experience with Lexapro.

I am 39 years old. Have been on Lexapro for 2 years now. This medication had an almost immediate positive effect on my life. Within 2 to 3 days of starting Lexapro, there was a noticeable lift in my general mood. A WARNING ABOUT STOPPING OR WEANING OFF LEXAPRO: I started taking 10 mg daily a couple of years ago for about 2 months, then decided I just didn't want to take medicine every day. So I weaned myself off over a 2-wk period, first reducing the dose to 5 mg/day, then 5 mg every other day before I stopped altogether. I figured I would be able to tell if my mood was going downhill and I would just restart if it did. Well, there was no gradual decline. I was careful to monitor my mood and thoughts every day and everything went great for about 3 months, then C.R.A.S.H!!! I mean it hit me like a WALL, very very suddenly! Despite exercising 4-5x per week, healthy eating, etc., I hit an all-time low.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Constant dull headache, jittery in the morning if taken before bed, dizziness. These negative side effects subsided within a week or two. Other side effects have continued, including sleepiness and yawning, apathy, vivid (but great) dreams. My libido died and never came back.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Lisa Carter