But last night, after Grey's Anatomy was a new show
october road.
I loved it. Maybe it's the way Bryan Greenberg looks so sad and troubled, even when he's smiling. Maybe it's because I like Laura Prepon, cause she's hot it in a less obvious way. I think I have nostalgic ideas about friendships. I am curious how you can leave and not come home for 10 years. I can't imagine needing to escape my life so badly that I would stay away for 10 years.
The premise of the show seems to be about where you find yourself. And I've been looking for years. Any hints will help.
I currently live about a mile away from the house I grew up in. Yesterday I filled my gas tank at the same station that I filled the gas tank of my very first car. The owner has a crush on me, every time I go in and see him, he calls me the love of his life- and tells me he's going to marry me someday. (As I get older, I find him cuter.) The guy at video store has known me since I was 8, when they first opened, I guess. My oldest son went to the same Boys and Girls club that I went to. My youngest sons play at the same park I played at.
I have lived farther away from here, farther from my mom, who lives about 1/4 of a mile away from me. It was maybe 45 minutes away. It's not that I wouldn't live far. That I wouldn't live in another state or something, I just have never found a reason to.
For all the crap between my mom and I, I just feel better knowing that she's around the corner. But I wonder what it'd be like, if she wasn't. If I packed up me and the kids and drove away, in search of life, love, who knows?? Maybe the reason I don't feel like I fit, is because I've never left long enough to not fit someplace else. Can you really appreciate where you are, if you've never been anywhere else.
How important is it to leave home??
I grew up in a small town. I know some people who have never left. But I have, and I also left the country and I think that's why I appreciate it all the more.
I've moved away from home several times (the furthest I've lived was about 8 hours away), but for some reason I keep finding myself back here. My mother and I have a great relationship. And while she is very needy and overbearing from time to time, I seem to like having her near.
I think its all up to the individual. Some people can't wait to burn rubber away from their roots, while others find it hard to leave. It honestly takes a lot of guts to haul off to a place where you don't know anyone and try to build a life. But I think you learn things about yourself in those moments where you don't have anyone to lean on other than yourself.
I've said before what you said, about never finding a reason to leave where you've always been. I feel the same way, but I also feel like I've "left home" because over the years my family has left. My mom's in SC, soon to move to OR, my dad's in No Cal, my BF is in TX, etc... I'm not so attached to CA, but I'm still here because this is where I've always been. Someday I'd like to pick up and go somewhere. But it'd have to be to go TO someone or FOR something, I think... I can't see just going for no reason.
You can't get away from or go looking for life or love... Your life is always where you are, no matter what you think you're running from, and love finds you.
...More deep wisdom from the crazy one. ;)
From a cousin who loves you dearly, I have to say leaving home was the best choice I ever made. I appreciate where I live now, but I appreciate home that much more. In fact, all we talk about is going back!
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