I recall one of the times that I was dieting, and I stood at the grocery store, crying- because I couldn't buy any of my favorite cereal that was on sale. Food is my friend, a good friend. Some days, my only friend. I wish that a treadmill were my friend, but you know- it's not. You can't choose who you love, sometimes it chooses you.
My favorite foods are fast. Taco Bell tops the list. and pizza. I eat my pizza with jalapenos and ranch dressing. Yes, no matter what is on it- when I get take out pizza, I always get ranch dressing and jalapenos. It's something I started when I was 16 and working at Pizzamania in LaPalma. It's shut down now, but I worked there for a year or two, and was having sex with the manger. He is was the first of a few managerial types I ended up under. It's no wonder I have issues with authority figures. Anyway. If you go to Pizzamania in Whittier, say hello to Bill. Cause he still runs the place over there and makes some good pizza. The last time I was there was about a year ago. And he still serves it to me with ranch dressing and jalapenos. Hmm, maybe that's what I'll do today for lunch. There is also one in Long Beach- but for some reason I just never go to that one. It's right next door to the college, I pass it 6 times a week. Perhaps it's not at all about the Pizza, but about the guy. ugh- the therapy I need to get past my daddy issues.....
When I am really needing comfort food though... When the world is crashing at my feet I reach for the Doritos. Nacho Cheese doritos and cheese sauce. Frito Lay Jalapeno Cheese dip. I love processed cheese food. I like the spreadable kind that you buy in a plastic tub for fund raisers, or even the spray can cheese. yummmmy. But I love the Doritos and Cheese sauce. When ehusband would come home and see me with the bag of chips and the can of cheese, he would just know that something was horribly wrong. This is really for emergencies only. When life if good- I can't eat it. I relate it to tragedy and sadness. If I am feeling happy, I go for chips and salsa.

I made fresh salsa on Friday. 6 tomatoes, half a red onion, three jalapenos, less than half of a bunch of cilantro, lime and salt. Slice dice and mix. Viola!! It's so good. I have been eating it with chips since Friday night. I was going to bring some to work- but I ate it all. At least mass quantities of salsa is better than a can of cheese.
Food and I are very good friends too. I tried hanging out with the treadmill, but I'm not one for living life in the fast lane, so I had to send it on its way. I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be a "normal" sized girl. I love my curves (and I'm not the only one lol). I do want to slim down some tho... mostly for health reasons, but I'll always be a thick chick. And that's okay with me.
If'n you wanna win the battle, you have to eat less, don't eat late, ease up on the fast foods, and eat more of the good foods. Throw in a little exercise (vigorous sex counts) and you'll win the battle slowly and easily.
Figure out how many punds you'd like to lose and divide it by 12 (as in 12 months). You can end up only needing to lose about 1-3 pounds every month in order to be on track and still eat what you like.
Other than that...thanks for the mention.
I loves ya just the way you are.
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