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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

hey shawwty- it's your birthday....

Well it's not my birthday yet, but it's coming. About two weeks away on the 11th. It falls on a Sunday this year. I have nothing planned. The girls at work will either throw me a potluck, or we can go to a local bar/ restaurant or whatever I want. I can't decide really.

I have been asked by my husband, my son and my mother in law what I would like for my birthday. It's always a weird question for me because I tend to NEED things, more than I want things. It's hard for me to justify asking for frivolous things when I really need a carpet steamer, or you know, food. My mother in law, if I so request, will gladly give me a gift card to Sam's Club where I will ultimately buy food that satisfies the taste buds of the 4 men in my house, and perhaps pick up a jumbo can of my favorite potato cheese soup and some powdered chai tea.

But in the interest of fun- I thought I would put together a list of 'wants'- even if they are kind of 'needy'.

1) Dane Cook's new DVD which comes out on Nov. 13th.

2) itunes gift cards

3) A new white or beige bra from Lane Bryant like the one I have. Size 38 D please. (or a gift card will do.)

4) bluetooth headset

5) wireless keyboard and mouse for my desktop

6) a second pair of croqs, mary jane style, size 7- a dark color.

7) a warm fleece hoodie, a really good brand name one that will last forever.

8) ankle socks, all white (no colored heel)

9) MAC brand mascara

10) a babysitter... for 48 hours over a weekend... to take my kids away so I can (in no particular order): sleep, watch TV, see a movie, eat at a nice restaurant, drink, fuck, shop and many other things with my husband. The alternative is that would be for someone to come to my house to watch the kids, and I can leave the apartment, and leave town altogether.

Well, it's worth a shot right??


Chris said...

Hi! I haven't been around to see you in, like, forever, but for some reason I was reading an old Spontaneous Fiction post and saw a comment from you, followed it here and... well, here I am.

Good to see you're still blogging.

And Happy Birthday! Is any of this stuff on an online wish list somewhere?

D-Man said...

38D-elightful. :)