7AM. Coffee is brewing and I keep eyeballing my clock that says 4:20 and wondering why the fuck I'm up, but I crashed at midnight, so you know, perhaps I am easier to acclimate.
The train station next door to our hotel. Literally. It cost .65 to ride it, we bought a 10 trip pass.
Our very first adventure really was, that after we bought the tickets, a rush of people came through the turnstiles towards us and then out the door- surely that was not the way we were supposed to go. That was the way OUT and we were going IN. So we kinda stood for a moment, staring at the sign that said TO THE PATH that everyone was exiting, feeling really stupid like :um ok now where do we go?
Eventually it cleared and we realized that the turnstile went both ways. Ok- so read the signs, they ARE correct.
Through the turnstile and down down down. Waiting for the train, it was just like in the movies. Just people standing, reading, waiting. One girl was passed out drunk on the floor with her girlfriends cracking up and taking pictures up her skirt. I admit, it was pretty fucking hilarious.
I wonder how fast they go, it kinda felt like Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland, except we were standing. Our train ride was not far, and we exited on Christopher St. We walked around The Village, not really sure where the fuck we were going. But we walked and watched and talked. It was close to 10PM at this time. There were people everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. Where are all these people going at 11PM on a Thursday? It was a whole city of people who DIDN'T have to get up at 5AM and it was so alive. There was an energy I could not explain, even in the small circle we walked for about an hour.
Everything was right there on the sidewalk. There's no parking lots anywhere, and we were walking right next to people eating their dinners. Doorways to apartment buildings were right there. I guess that's why there's so many people, in these cities. Half of the area is not parking lots.
I didn't take any pictures last night, but so far the place is not lacking for Italian Food or flowers.
Around 11:30 we both admitted that we were just fucking beat. I know, huh? But we didn't have a map, we weren't sure where we were or where to go- so it was just wandering. Everyone on the street had placed to go. Everyone walked with conviction. We were strolling. It was fantastic though, just to feel that energy. It was kinda surreal.
Today we are going to go into the city again and pick up a three day tour bus thing. Uptown Downtown, brooklyn, a harbor cruise thing. And a nighttime tour with will be cool so see it all lit up like that.
more later, with pictures. Promise.
1 comment:
They don't call it the "City That Never Sleeps" for nothing. Enjoy!
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