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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Stolen Meme

No more than 2 words can be used...
Have fun and try not to use the same
answers as the person before you.

1. Where is your cell phone? ....................... right pocket

2. Your significant other?.............................. cleaning house

3. Your hair? ................................................... frizzy curl

4. Your mother? .............................................. at home

5. Your father?................................................. two dead

6. Your favorite thing?.................................... my laptop

7. Your dream last night?.............................. about sex

8. Your favorite drink? ................................... cold soda

9. Your dream/goal?...................................... thin rich

10. The room you're in?................................ living rool

11. Your ex?..................................................... not bad

12. Your fear?.................................................. regret death

13.Where do you want to be in 6 years?...... not sure

14. Where were you last night?.................... leather couch

15. What you're not?....................................... thin rich

16. Muffins?...................................................... hot blueberry

17. One of your wish list items?................... gspot vibe

18. Where you grew up?................................ Cypress, CA

19. The last thing you did?............................. made hamburgers

20. What are you wearing?........................... black tank

21. Your TV?..................................................... playing Cars

22. Your pet(s)?............................................... three sons

23. Your computer? ....................................... my love

24. Your life?........................................... steadily unpredictable

25. Your mood?............................................... happy rested

26. Missing someone?................................. just Ed

27. Your car?................................................... green minivan

28. Something you're not wearing?............husbands pants

29. Favorite Store?........................................Target

30. Your summer?........................................ NEW YORK

31. Like someone......................................... very much

32. Your favorite color?................................. black red

33. Last time you laugh............................... this afternoon

34. Last time you cried?.............................. can't remember

35. Who will re-post this...............................probably nobody

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