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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Half Nekkid Thursday- the aftermath

The last few days have been a bit blurry. Graduation is over and I'm getting ready for my NY trip in two weeks!! I can't wait!!

Now that graduation is over, I am trying to get back in to the swing of just being home. No homework, and just taking care of my kids and my house and the e-husband who is not doing as well as I'd like to report.

I feel a bit out of sorts I guess. Transitioning. Fuzzy.

Somebody shake me up, wake me up, and push me forward.

(and clickity click)


The Covert Lover said...

The click thru is quite pretty, but I love look the fist picture!

Hope your haze clears quickly. ;)


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Congrats on graduation!

And I just *adore* your hair, by the way. *Jealous*

Happy HNT!

Blissfully Wed said...

You're wonderful. Good luck with everything.

Osbasso said...

Hate trying to get back into the swing of things... NYC should take care of your stress though!

Vixen said...

The first pic is very cool. You have *beautiful* lips....

happyhnt babe

figleaf said...

The jangled effect on the camera really captures the mode of your post, Jules. Happy graduation, by the way. That and Vixen's right -- very nice lips.

Happy HNT!


Ashly Star said...

Nice click, you have pretty eyes. Happy HNT!

Dana said...

It will settle, it just takes time! HHNT!

ATLLG said...

I say lets have a drink and keep the fuzziness going for a few more rounds. Who knows what trouble we could get into. I'll take you anyway I can.

I've got about 24hours before the weekend will start for me. It WILL be very blurry, fun, stresful and everything but I'm gonna get thru it and then I'm going to really kick back!


Lapis Ruber said...

Doesn't everybody feel like that after a party? I know I do. Happy HNT.

Baby said...

Wow what a gorgeous mane of hair - very lovely photos! The first one is very romantic in that soft way too! Happy HNT!!!!

Greg and Sheryl said...

That's a very nice portrait, but we'd love to see you smile more often. Happy HNT! :-)

Jo said...

OOOHH! Love that blurry effect!