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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

"Accept friend"- wait what??

So I am getting facebook friend requests from people I know lately. It's nice- hey you remember me? Awesome, right?

So I accepted one yesterday- because it was attached to a name I know. But then... wait....
what is that??

Los Al 20 Year Reunion Group.


Crap. Damn. Fuck.

So now I'm in the group- I'm connected with people- did I join a committee. I wasn't even planning on GOING to the 20 year reunion. The 10 was, a waste. None of MY friends showed up- and the girls I was in drill team with didn't talk to me!! I mean, what's the deal with that?? I also spent a good amount of time standing between women who had once had sex with my husband- so you know, there was that.

I'm sure the 20 will be different, but really, HOW different. I'm sure I will end up going alone. Great, so I will stand there completely alone all night. Great. Carrie, if I do this- you are coming with me bitch.

It's bad enough that these people are a few clicks away from seeing my LIFE. It's a good thing that so few of them gave a damn enough about me to bother.

1 comment:

tmaster said...

Julie, I found your blog from a link at Tits for Troops with your sexy pic. Please consider contributing sometime to Tits Anonymous, you're lovely!