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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

When there's nothing on the inside...

Me: Where do the athiests go to get perspective?  
(As if I have EVER gone to church to get perspective..)
Athiest: Look within.  Introspective.

I ponder this though.  What happens when I need perspective about my life and I look within to find ??  What do I find?  At first, I think- nothing.  Just more questions, never any fucking answers.

I read a really interesting blog post about feminism today.  Of which, I admit I know next to nothing.  I don't believe myself to be a feminist, but not exactly the opposite of it either.  I believe that woman have a choice, and that some women CAN have both career and family and they should be able to choose if the means are available.

I commented that my "I'm every woman" life, is more out of necessity than a strong desire to do it.  I get a lot of "wow that's very impressive" about the fact that I work and go to school and try to take care of the kids and my husband, etc.  However, I have been pretty honest about the fact that I don't do it WELL, nor do I LOVE the fact that I HAVE to do it.  I down right RESENT the fact that I am a one income family and that I work while he stays home (lets even give him the credit for taking care of the kids).  I hate that I think, at least once a day, that if I could just work a part time second job we would be afloat.  I hate that I can't GET that second job, because it's unfair to the kids for me never to be there.

I constant walk this balance between, "The kids need me here at home more than they need the things that extra money provides" or "Shouldn't I be trying to do MORE to put food in this house because they deserve to have nice things?"  I also often think, "If I just had a good man with a good job my life would be volumes better."

I try not to play the, "I'm the man of the house" card- because who says a woman CAN'T do these things.  They can.  I can.  I DO.  However what does it say about me, that I wish I didn't have to.  I don't, nor did I ever want to be the wife and mother that stays at home with her kids and has dinner on the table by 5.  Not because I don't think it's important, but because I just don't LIKE doing it.  I am resistant to being either roles.  I just want to be part of a partnership- and maybe that is feminism in it's own right

Is my life just a different type of servitude?  

Or maybe I don't have the means to be able to make the choice.  
This is what happens when I look inside myself.  I talk myself into circles and really am no father in understanding than I was when I started.

What is THAT?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


well it's better to look within for answers (or even more questions) than try to put faith in something you have zero control over.

so i'd rather control my life, what little control I do have, then look for answers anywhere where no one truly knows me.

the atheist.