About Me

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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Sometimes I worry about how much I'm on the internet.  I don't mean the time I spend, but how much I am EXPOSED on the internet. 

However, lets be clear.

I talk a lot about my life. 
I make up a lot of stories about a sex life.
I take a lot of pictures.
I tell a lot of truths.
I tell a lot of lies.

I make no claims to what is or is not true.  If I tell you, "THIS IS TRUE"- then it is, but when do I ever say that?  But you can assume that everything on the internet is true- or a lie.  I guess it depends on the source.... what does that tell you?

I write as a hobby.  And I'm good at it, some of you know.  Is what I say the truth, or am I just really that good?  Hmmm, you never really know, do you? 

In some ways, my life is really so mundane and boring that I write a lot and create things that may or may not be real.

Your mind makes it real...  ha ha.

There are some real people in my life, that make it tolerable- some: intolerable.

I ask that you respect my choices in life, as I respect yours.  My mother told me that my siblings are gossiping about me.  It sucked having to hear it from my mother because I suspect that she joined in on the Julie-bashing party too.  However, I don't really care.  It's what families do sometimes and I am not going to dispute that I'm an easy target.  I put my life out here like this and that leaves me open to the scrutiny of others.  I have been told that my brother, who I love and adore, now thinks I am a bad influence and that "I'm just a little crazy."  

Thanks.  You may be right, I may be crazy.

I've been told that all I do is complain about my life and don't take any advice.  Well, I stopped asking for advice a long time ago.  If you don't want to hear my complaining, please don't read my blog anymore.  This is my space to vent and think.  A lot (read: MOST) of what I write on my other blog is fiction.  Yes, fiction.  It says so right there "some is true, some is made up." Guess what?  I'm a good writer.  A DAMN good writer, and if you thought it was all true- well, I'm glad that I am believable- and maybe someday I can make lots of money writing books that people jerk off to.  A bucks' a buck right?

I don't hurt anyone- I am perfectly content hurting myself.  I do not judge my family for their choices.  I don't.  I may not understand everything about them, but you know- I don't have to live their lives, and they don't have to live mine.  Lets all just stay to our neutral corners and maybe we can stop the smack talk.  I don't deserve it.  I don't owe you any money, ok, well, Johnny I think I will ALWAYS owe YOU money. 

If you don't like the way I live my life- I suggest that you don't live it.

Personally I'm not always a big fan of it either.


Old Bogus said...

"In some ways, my life is really so mundane and boring that I write a lot and create things that may or may not be real.

Your mind makes it real... ha ha."

[snark on] I didn't realize this was a Republican candidate's blog. [snark off]

So how SHOULD we, your readers, respond? I have been responding as any meat person would: as it being true. I know this is often not the case in cyberspace, especially with gamers. They literally live in a different world.

This seems to treat us as the suckers in a comeon.

garbonzo said...

I'd read your book!