He is quitting smoking and I am taking my first step to freedom from enabling...
He is being a mega-dick. I can already tell that this is worse than withdrawals from alcohol and crack (and yes, I stood by and watched both of those). It's even harder because the violent ejection of cigarettes is because I told him that I would no longer buy them for him. Now who knows what happens on payday when I give him a little bit of cash for the week. I suspect he will buy them in seconds, and that is going to piss me off- but what he does with the money in his pocket I cannot control. I am not going to make runs to the store for him- blatantly purchasing them.
He hates me right now, he is being a fucking ass-tank to everyone who wants to cause him pain and I am apparently the captain of that team. Whatever. Right now I really feel like every day is a battle between us. If he gets his way, then I am miserable. If I get my way, then he MAKES me miserable by being so verbally put out, sick, addicted and a big bag of douchebaggery. So you know, either way I'm miserable, but at least I am not enabling his shitty behavior.
Small steps, but it's time that I make the ones that will get me the hell out of here.
Time to take the book out to the pool again. Let him throw his tantrums inside.
What a douche.
My god you must love him. Or something.
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