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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What do you mean, you don't have a rabbit??

I changed my background again. I don't know why, this place needed a facelift, I think. If I don't like it I will go back to the other one. I'll try this out for a while though.

So I signed up and I'm a Temptation Parties Consultant. Starting to feel a weird pang of 'what have I done?' but if nothing else I just bought like 8 new dildos- and that's worth $140 in itself I guess. That's less than $20 each, and there's a Rabbit in there, so you know- that right there is worth at least $60. Wait, you don't HAVE a rabbit? I have THREE of them!

*The original rabbit, where the controller is connected by a wire and it takes three C batteries.
*A rechargeable rabbit- that takes no batteries and the controller is at the base.
*My NEW rabbit that takes 4 AA batteries, the controller is at the base... and ummm, it thrusts. Can you say... "hell yeah!!"

I have a few people interested in having parties, and really I don't want to do more than two shows a month, maybe three. School takes a lot of mental energy and this class is relatively simple, I don't expect them to stay that way.

Anyway, so I'm gonna try to do a few shows a month- I'm not trying to make millions here- but it will get me out of the house, I can meet new people make SOME money and have a platform to say cunt and cock. Ok, so maybe I won't say 'cunt.' Perhaps I'll go with something nice like 'vag' or 'pussy'. "Vagina" doesn't bother me- but only when used in an anatomical sense. So my mind is filled with ideas for party games. I really DOUBT I will play "who here can deep throat?" cause that will just lead that way for demonstrations and I am not sure I want to go there.

Yesterday I commented that I am on my meds. They are back in my body and taking effect, I can tell because at night, I'm tired. One of the things the Lexapro did for me was help me to sleep at night. It's hard to stay up until 12am studying or otherwise because by 9:30- I'm TIRED. You'd think I was almost 40.

Well, ok, so maybe I AM almost 40. like in 3 years, whatever bitches.

1 comment:

Old Bogus said...

Women peak sexually at about 35 so really 40 isn't a big deal except in this youth-obssessed society we endure.