I'm listening to Food is Not Love. It's pretty funny. I don't know if it's the Only Podcast that Matters, cause you know, I have that undying love for Andy and Golfwidow. It makes me feel like I have a life, to know the inside jokes and be a part of the crowd. I'd start a podcast if I thought I could resist the temptation to fake an orgasm. Do not give me a microphone. I don't have a great voice, I talk too fast, and I am terribly inappropriate. The Snowboarder said it was sexy, but you know, he wanted to fuck me, so I think he'd have told me that if I was a mime.
So I will stick with typing, for now. Maybe I will call Andy and fake my orgasm, just to get it out of my system. He'd dig that, the slutty juggler.
Yesterday I did another ultimate super woman task. I was hanging something, and I used an anchor cause my walls are made of graham crackers or something. So I called Ed and he talked me through my first anchoring.
me- Hey, how do you use an anchor?
ed- for what, a boat?
me- no, a wall anchor. (thought- punkass)
ed- oh (laughs) what kind of anchor is it?
me- (loud laugher) why do you think I know that?
ed- what color is it? (thought- chick)
me- grey
ed- what does it look like?
me- kind of phallic
ed- does it look screwy?
me- (inappropriate answer)
ed- do you want my help? (thought- tramp)
me- yes, I'm sorry (thought- twat)
ed- ok, well that's a standard anchor, you need to drill a hole.
me- well, I can't do that, I don't have a drill. But there are two holes where this thing came out of the wall, so can I use those?
ed- do you have screws that go with it?
me- I hope so, these came with my cool tool box. So...um.....yes?
minutes later....
me- does it sound like I'm hammering too hard?
ed- no, sounds fine (thought- yawn)
me- I'm going to use my drill to screw these in.
ed- you rock (thought- I wonder whats on cable tonight?)
me- yes, yes I do.
...sound of a drill...
me- This is so sexually satisfying.
ed- you are using that on the wall right? (thought- do I need to be here for this?)
me- wouldn't you like to know?
ed- (laugher)
me- I'm keeping you on the line so you can sing my praises when I'm done
ed- (laugher) (thought-you need a life, Julie)
...drill stops...
me- it's done. Oh my god. I am so fucking cool.
ed- yes, you are so cool. you rock. You SO don't need a man. (thought- if you had a man, you would not bother me with this shit)
me- now, I want to spackle stuff!
ed- (loud laughter) that takes more work. we'll do that next time. You are awesome. (thought- oh god. she is psychotic)
me- I think I had one.
ed- yeah, that happens sometimes. (thought- yeah, you need a man)
He's a soldier for my cause.
Ummm...you're damn right you should call us and fake an orgasm. We'll play the hell out of it on the show and I'll probably play it myself in private about a million times.
What he said.
That's hilarious, and it's almost entirely accurate. I'll let people guess which part(s) is exaggerated or wholly invented.
But I didn't recall you saying that you didn't have a drill moments before revealing that you did, in fact, have a drill. Perhaps you were simply missing drill bits? (Not to be confused with naughty bits.)
Ahhh Ed, you confuse me with someone who knows whether or not a cordless screwdriver and an electric drill are the same thing and differentiates them in conversation. Maybe I have drill bits? What do they look like??
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