About Me

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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Shiny and New

Life is way good when you got people who know stuff.
Who the fuck stole Kurt Cobain's ashes?? I mean what a douche bag. I admit that back when he died, I was a bit resistant to the "voice of a generation" thing- but now I admit that his music is good. His lyrics were amazing. I didn't appreciate it when I was 22. But then, what DID I appreciate back then??
So do you Twitter? I have twitter, but I don't use it as often as I'd like to. I would use it more, if people talked to me. Maybe if I used it more, people would talk to me. I don't know.
If you Twit, then I am at juliedoyaloveme. So you know, find me, and you know- I totally will keep up with all the minute details of your day. Really.
Can anyone tell me how to get back into the swing of things?? I feel so very displaced lately. The e-husband is struggling through depression worse than I've ever seen it. It is knocking me off my balance.
Last night I watched the pilot episode for In Plain Sight.

Wow, is she HOT or what??


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Blissfully Wed said...

She's hot. I need to get going on Twitter over here again. I'll look you up if I do.

Vixen said...

I'm SO BUMMED I missed it. Damnit. I'll have to catch it bc it sounded good.

(and yes, she is HOT)