Contrary to some of my past actions, I try to be a pretty smart spender. When I have very little money I can make it last a long time, when I have a lot- it flies out the window like cocaine out of the roof of a limosine.
I am not stuck on brand name things in general. There are a few things that I really do like brand names of, like peanut butter, dish soap and hair care products. Even those preferences are loose and I am not stuck on one brand, but I don't usually buy the cheapest dish soap or generic peanut butter. I do buy generic medicine, even acetaminophen or ibuprofen. I do realize that the name brands ARE a little better, but the generics work just fine- fine enough.
But today I think I crossed the line. I was at Walmart today getting diapers and some juice and I had to buy tampons. It's almost that time again, and I almost ALWAYS forget to put some in my purse, even though I know it's going to start "any minute now." Or I forget to buy some and I have to make a mad run to Sav On in the middle of the day. So I was at Walmart and they did not have my usual brand. Kotex.
Let me sidebar. When I was growing up, Kotex was a go to word for "pad." Like Kleenex, and Xerox, but in a much less pleasant way. When I became a teenager and decided to make the switch, I used Tampax. That was what all the girls were using, and it was fine enough. Playtex, I don't know, they were the red headed step kid of the pack. OB, well, you had to be brave for that.
I have tried them all really over the years. All the different applicators, no applicator. The
Instead Cup - that was nasty. I had no real preference, and almost every month I would be bleeding and for lack of a "something."
"Something" is the universal term for feminine product. "Do you have 'something'?" That is all that needs to be said. Am I right ladies?? The conversations usually go like this:
"Hey Jen, do you have something?"
"Umm, I do, but I use pads. Ask Jenny, she's on right not too."
fast walk to Jenny, asking why
anyone still only uses pads.
"Hey Jenny, do you have something?"
"I do!" and she reaches in her bag and hands me a nice pearly white package, but the writing is yellow. Slender Regular size.
Ok- I am not cavernous- but I am not a 12 year old girl either. Who the hell uses Slender Regular?? I may was well roll up a cotton square and shove it up my twat. But ok, note to self, do not ask Jenny,
she has a twat like a 12 year old girl.
So I asked Patti- because like I said, I ALWAYS forget to put them in my purse, and she handed me a Kotex Tampon, size-Super. Way to go Patti. And I have used them ever since.
Ok, back to the store. So Walmart DID have Kotex brand, but not the right size. Not the grown up, "I've had a child" size. So I looked at what they did have, because again, I am not so stuck on the brand that I will go to another store. Tampax, Playtex, all regular size. The women are stocking up. We, apparently, are all bleeding this week. So I looked at the Walmart brand. Equate. hmmmm. One box says "Compare to Tampax" the other box says "Compare to Kotex." It was the size box I usually buy. The right size. And $2 cheaper.
I tossed it around in my head. Generic tampons? How cheap am I?? I am not on my period RIGHT NOW- surely I can stop by Target tomorrow. But.... I'm here now. I hate having to shop.
And it's $2 cheaper. It wouldn't hurt to try it. I certainly hope not.
So I bought them. I fear that I may have built a crawl space under my lowest of lows.