My best friends daughter has become a hellion. I feel for the girl. She's blonde, gorgeous and tortured. I was like that when I was in school. Well, not blonde.
(yeah, let it slide....)
Anyway, I read her myspace page and I just feel her pain. I mean, I want to tell her something that might have helped me when I was her age. But thinking about it, even now- I have NO idea what the hell I was so tortured about. I mean, it was just this general "miserableness" and no amount of love or understanding from my mom was going to help it. I still fucked off, fooled around with boys and got in trouble. I don't even remember what I was doing it for.
My girlfriend was telling me that if her daughter just did better in school she would not have to come down on her so hard. She would be allowed to go with her friends. She could LIE her mom and tell her she's at the movies when she's really with a boy. That's what we did. We are not stupid enough to think our kids won't do it. That's the normal balance. This hovering parent who insists on knowing every damn thing you do- that's screws up the rotation of the WORLD. My life would not be anything like it is today if my mother knew where I was and what I was doing at every moment of my tortured teenage life. I was somewhat allowed to BE tortured in private. Maybe that's why I grew out of it, I got bored.
I hope she gets bored with it and straightens her act up. She's a great girl, she's not stupid. She's not crazy. She's just tortured. Very Avril. I wish there was something I could do for her. I wish I lived on a crazy farm or something, so her mom could send her to live with her Aunt Julie on the farm, and let her live the hard way for a while. Or that I lived in a quiet country town, so her mom could send her to live with Aunt Julie in the country and she'd be away from whatever it is she's tortured over.
OR- maybe she could just send her to visit me here to California- where she'll fit right in- and being tortured is not even original.
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