I'm low on material, I'm sick. And I love the meme's.
- What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before? Started drinking Captain Morgan. I used to be allergic to rum, but I think it's just cheap bacardi cause the Captain and I are good friends!!!
- Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I think I was 5 for 5. I think I may not make new ones this year and just roll over the other 5. Rollover resolutions, like cell phone minutes.
- Did anyone close to you give birth? If I forget someone, I'm going to feel like a dick. My ex, Robert had a baby, well, his once-was-significant-other did, my babysitter had a grand daughter. My cousin had a gorgeous baby boy!
- Did anyone close to you die? No, but people die- close to me, at least once a week. I work in a hospital, what do you expect? My sisters beautiful dogs died.
- What countries did you visit? yeah... I hardly left my area code, when would I leave country??
- What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? More sex would be really nice.
- What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Halloween 2006. Got pierced. Won't forget THAT.
- What was your biggest achievement of the year? My new job at the hospital.
- What was your biggest failure? Spending my financial aid funding in record time!!!
- Did you suffer illness or injury? ummmm, generalized anxiety disorder. Oh, and got 5th disease... whatever you call it.
- What was the best thing you bought? Hmmm, I bought this fucken cool desk globe thing for my friends birthday, a plane ticket to bring my kid home for Christmas, oh and a 14 gauge barbell... that's for me.
- Whose behavior merited celebration? Gabe for using the potty!!! Woo hoo.... One down, one to go.
- Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Same one who always does.
- Where did most of your money go? I really think I spent a LOT of it on booze. It's the only thing I don't have reciepts for.
- What made you really really really excited? That is SUCH a loaded question. One of my blog posts was featured on a popular search engine, and that was bitchen cool.
- What song will forever remind you of 2006? You're Beautiful, James Blunt.
- Compared to this time last year, are you:
- happier or sadder? Happier.
- thinner or fatter? Same-er
- richer or poorer? Richer- but it doesn't seem like it.
- What do you wish you’d done more of? Again, sex would be good here.
- What do you wish you’d done less of? Waiting, whining, eating.
- How will you be spending (did you spend) Christmas? With my sibs and my kids. It was a perfect Christmas
- How will you be spending New Year’s? At home with the kids I guess. Another wild and crazy night of reckless abandon.
- Did you fall in love in 2006? I slipped, and fell in love- yes. Bastard.
- How many one-night stands? none, damn, the whole year seems kind of worthless now.
- What were your favorite TV programs? Grey's Anatomy.
- Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? There are a few people that I like LESS, but I try not to hate anyone.
- What was the best book you read? Holy fuck, did I not finish ONE book all year?? I started three of them. My damn education is in the way of my leisure time.
- What was your greatest musical discovery? XM radio. I love it.
- What did you want and get? Pierced.
- What did you want and not get? Thin.
- What was your favorite film of this year? I have seen Cars 1000 times since it came out on DVD, so I think that wins by default.
- What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 35, and I went out drinking with my friends from work and Kim too- and I had a blast!!
- What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? If the two people that I lost to "location", had not left- that would have been super. Immeasurably more satisfying.
- How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006? I had very little fashion sense, but I realized that my jeans were tapered and I didn't know it, so that tells you something about me. Now that I wear scrubs to work, my fashion concept is "comfort over style"
- What kept you sane? Nothing about my life points to sanity.
- Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I love me some Brad Pitt. I even forgive him for shackin up with that little Jolie homewrecker....
- What political issue stirred you the most? Policitcs tend to not 'stir' me.
- Whom did you miss? My kid and my best friend.
- Who was the best new person(s) you met? Probably Brooke and Antonette. They are just crazy ass broads who are bound to get me into a lot of trouble.
(Side question … whom would you like to get to know better? Jaws and D-man, cause they are both smart and talented and kinda hot too.
- Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006: Basing a relationship on love alone is as stupid as basing it on sex alone. Love is work. I'm tired of working.
- Favorite memory of 2006? Getting my piercing was a big deal cause it's so unlike ME. It was something daring and bold I wanted to do, and I'm generally not a daring and bold person.
And here's another memememememe I stole.
Something different, something funny, something annoying, something surprising, and finally something weird about yourself.
I am not sure what is different about me. Different than before? or different than everyone else? I can be really innapropriate and I think the word "cunt" is awesome, and "twat" is my second favorite word. I work and go to school full time, and I've got little ones at home- but I don't know if that makes me different, I think it makes me crazy.
What's funny about me is that sometimes, I'm just wrong. I make horrendous jokes about things that are really NOT funny, because sometimes I have to laugh at how crazy things get. I'm not exactly a warm and fuzzy mom- referring to my kids as "the punk ass, the sally, and the favorite." The e-husband once referred to himself as 'skelator'- cause he lost so much weight and I had alot of fun referring to himself as "skels."
Something annoying about me~ well, probably the fact that I just don't stay angry. I can't. Maybe it's the ADHD (that I probably have), but I can be furious about something really major- I mean, really REALLY major, and then in about three days, I'm just NOT mad anymore. Even if I should be. There have been times that I had to pretend to be mad at the e-husband just to get my point across, even when I was totally over it and pissed at him about something entirely different.
Something suprising about me~ I have spent many many years feeling less than..., afraid of..., or inferior to... I often find myself so unsatisfied with my personal progress. Feeling that I should be better. A better person, a better friend, a better daughter, sister or friend... My faults tend to haunt me and I tend to be really insecure alot of the time. I really tried this year to come out of my 'shell' and be social, be daring, and be braver, but I still have days when I feel paralyzed by my own demons.
Something weird about me~ Ok, so along with the generalized anxiety and the probable ADHD, there is a touch of OCD as well. I separate my M&M's or skittles by color, and then eat them two at a time. If there is an odd number in a pile, I will eat the odd numbered piece, by itself, until I have piles of even numbers , and then eat each color, one at a time. I do this without even thinking about it.
Ok- so enough about me- tell me about YOU!!!
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