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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Enjoy the Silence

This week I opted to NOT pay my cable bill and just turn it off. Here's my reasoning...

My cable bill is about $120 a month. I have the digital cable and the digital plus, so my kids get Noggin. Plus I have all these movie channels, cause I like watching movies. And in two rooms. So $120 a month. I could use that money elsewhere, like, Christmas, or you know... food.

So here is what I have discovered, after two days of no TV. (DVD's excluded)
I turned the cable off on Thursday, and of course I can barely get REGULAR TV without it. So I didn't have it Thursday night or last night (I watched Grey's Anatomy on-line on Friday morning, don't worry). What I DID notice is this:

  • Thursday night, I fell asleep at 10PM.
  • Friday night, I fell asleep at 9PM

OK, I am usually up past midnight. WAY past midnight on most nights- usually reaching towards 2, or 2:30 AM. The television is always on in my house. I don't 'get' people who say, they are not TV watchers. That's CRAZY. I love watching TV. I have always loved watching TV. I am afraid of TiVO and DVR because I am certain that I will never leave the house if I was able to record everything I want to see. I resist the temptation to record it on VHS. I commit to two shows, Grey's Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters (thank God for ABCOnline and I can watch them on the web!). I enjoy many other shows, but those are the only two that are must-see TV for me this season. The rest is just gratuitous. Mind numbing pleasure that I don't feel bad about. I'm a grown up, I can do what I want. If I want to watch a whole season of Friends, which I am known to do- I don't have to run that by anyone. If I want to sit back and watch soft-core porn, or even hard core porn, I can do that (assuming the beastie brothers are asleep).

If the kids are home, they watch it- if they are asleep, it's on. Even if I'm sitting here at the computer, the TV is on behind me, and I'm sort of listening to it. I have "listened" to many TV shows, news reports, comedy specials while sitting at my computer, back to the TV. The e-husband used to laugh (term used loosely) at me because it was as if I was afraid I would miss something, if I wasn't always watching TV. My argument to this is that I was up watching TV at "past midnight- thirty" at the first attack and Operation Desert Storm began, back in 1990something, so there. Sometimes it pays to be up at ungodly hours, you just MIGHT miss something.

What I have been missing, however, is sleep. One of my major complaints is that I'm tired all the time. I never get enough sleep because I'm up studying or writing papers, of blogging, or chatting on line. (Incidentally, Thursday night I was chatting with my very best friend on line, and I was too tired to chat. WHAT?- TOO TIRED TO CHAT?? That's just the CRAZY talkin!!)

Maybe, now stay with me, MAYBE- if I just focused on ONE THING. Be it studying, or writing papers, or blogging- WITHOUT the television on in the background I can get things done faster.

Or better yet...

My brain will not be distracted and on overdrive, enough so that I can actually turn it OFF and fall asleep at a decent hour? Could it be?? Is TV leaving me with some sort of ADHD affect to where my thinking is in too many places and I'm unable to turn it off. Is there a negative correlation between hours of sleep and hours of television watched? Is it possible that too much television is affecting my brain somehow??


That's about as crazy as saying that what's in my fridge is related to the size of my ass!!


The Moviequill said...

nice fridge haha... hey, thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods, cause it always makes me bounce right back and I laughed out loud too... BTW, we have the second tier of digital cable, no HBO and ours is at $109, crazy eh?

d-man said...

I have poor man's TV.
And poor man's internet.
Yet I am no poor man.