Sarah, e-husband's daughter is in town this week visiting. It was so good to see her. She's so grown up. So different than she was when she left a year and a half ago. For one, her hair is really REALLY short. She said she spikes it, so it looks more feminine, but it wasn't spiked yesterday- so she basically had Alex's hair cut. I have a picture of my 4 sons!! ahk!! She said she usually wears make up to look
less like a boy. Yesterday she had on a leather jacket as well, rounding out the butch look. Regardless, I don't care what she looks like. She's such a good kid, a straight A student. Confident about herself.

She showed me her portfolio of her art work. She is very good. I was amazed. She's only 14!! She is so different from any other girl her age. She's definitely ahead of her years. She likes drawing movie stars and such. Mostly women. I didn't see any pencil drawings of men- like this one (Jennifer Garner).
It was nice spending the day with her, and seeing her with her brothers. She brought Christmas presents for everyone. I think Alex was disappointed because she's so much more grown up. They used to 'play'- you know. And yesterday they just hung out- watched TV. She wasn't very interested in his PSP.
I wished she could come back and stay with us here, but there's not enough time. She will hopefully be back this summer to stay with us, and that will be good for everyone. For now she is with her dad, at the e-inlaws house. We will see her again later this week- at least once. It felt good though, all of us together- our weird crazy family.
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