Today is my oldest sons 14th birthday! This really seems insane to me. How can I be old enough to have a 14 year old son. Someone said that to me yesterday- 'you don't look old enough to have a 14 year old son.'
i know, right?
I'm totally not gonna go over the story of when he was born, I've done it before- in quite emotional terms. I'm over it- now I'm just gonna say he was a pain in my ass from the start.
Teenagers kinda suck, don't they??
I mean- like in the truest sense, major suckage. It's a constant battle to get him to do anything. It makes me insane. In general, he's not a BAD kid, he doesn't have outbursts or get into too much trouble- but he's just... well, he's his dad.
Yea, I divorced his dad.
In all seriousness, I guess I could have bigger problems with him. The girls are coming around, but really they just text or instant message all day. I have peeked at some of his chats- he's oblivious to the fact that they are trying to flirt with him. Of course, these girls have no game either. Example:
Girl: Ok so ask me whatever you want and I'll answer you.
Alex: Ok... what's your favorite movie of all time.
ohh good GOD!!!!
Happy Birthday Alex- lets hope you get some game this year!!
About Me
- Julie
- Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
and my sinuses are clear!!
I woke up with a really bad lower back ache today. I am not sure if it's because all the driving I did this weekend, or because I fell asleep on the couch watching House last night. Either way, I woke up this morning with really bad lower back pain and the inability to walk without a mild limp. By the time I walked from the parking structure to my office, it was hurting my legs.

Apply heat.
My boss showed up, limping. A month ago she ran a marathon and pulled something in her knee. Last week, that same knee gave out- causing her to fall off a curb and today she had an xray and realized that she broke her ankle, in two places.
So today- as she and I- both short heavy set girls, with curly brown hair and dark skin were walking to lunch, limping... we got lots of comments- the most common ( used twice)
"Were you two in the same car accident?"
It was quite funny.
I went to the pharmacy to buy these:

They work well- except they are activated by air- so if you are sitting in a chair and leaning back- they don't stay as hot. So it's not like I can lay on my back and have the heat really work. The pharmacist suggested this.

Yeah, I'm so hot.
So all day, I wreak of 'old lady' - but it does feel a little better.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas regrets
We spent Christmas Eve with Michael family. It was probably the second or third time I've ever NOT seen my siblings for Christmas. After the first time, I decided I never wanted to do it again, but I have- even though I never want to.
Even though this year has held a lot of strain between the siblings, we were not raised in a family to hold grudges- at least not for long. I never understood my first husbands family, who would cut each other other out for months, sometimes YEARS at a time. For a while, my sister and I didn't talk much, but it wasn't as if I REFUSED to talk to her or see her. We just didn't have anything to say for a while... and then later, we did.
Regardless, holidays just don't feel right without my family.
When mom stopped celebrating, it took something away- and my siblings and the rest of my family was all I had. So without my siblings, it never feels right. It doesn't feel like Christmas, and now that it's over- I guess it feels a bit anti-climactic.
There was no reason for spending Xmas without my family, it just worked out that way with driving and where we would spend the time. It's hard for the kids to have two WHOLE days of Christmas, with two families and stuff so I was thinking much of my own sanity too.
next year...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Holiday Meme
1. Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog?
Oh, Hot Chocolate. I don't like Egg Nog.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wraps presents, and all the presents from Santa are in different paper than the others, and all the same.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Tree gets multicolored lights. Althought last year, all the lights on the tree were green. It was a mistake, but it looked nice anyway.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? If I have it, I might.
5. When do you put your decorations up? Either the first or second weekend after Thanksgiving. I have a fake tree, so it's easy.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? My aunts fudge, or the corn casserole.
7. Favorite Holiday memory? My favorite Holiday memories are with my family. My brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles... and my mom.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I NEVER believed in Santa. Ever. We were Jehovah's Witness'. But I wasn't allowed to tell people either.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Family presents are exchanged Christmas Eve. Santa presents are opened Christmas morning.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? I do the lights. I always do the lights. And then I sit and prepare the ornaments for the kids to put on the tree. We listen to Christmas music and take pictures and sing.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Never seen it.
12. Can you ice skate? No
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
At the moment, I can't think of anything. That's kinda sad... give me time, I'll remember.
14. What’s the most important thing?
The most important thing about the Holidays? Remembering that its about spending time with the ones you love, and not the gifts. I always feel guilty if I cannot afford to buy presents for everyone I love- but I hope they all know how much I love them.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
My aunts fudge. My mom's magic bars (that my sister makes now).
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I don't really have any traditions. I should start some.
17. What tops your tree?
It's a star.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
I like giving them- but I always stress about what I give. I'm always afraid it's not enough. Receiving makes me kind of uncomfortable sometimes.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
Rockin around the Christmas Tree from Brenda Lee or
All I want for Christmas is You from Mariah Carey
20. Candy canes, Yuck or Yum?
I like em.
Since I'm a day late- I won't tag anyone- but I hope you all had a happy christmas.
Oh, Hot Chocolate. I don't like Egg Nog.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wraps presents, and all the presents from Santa are in different paper than the others, and all the same.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Tree gets multicolored lights. Althought last year, all the lights on the tree were green. It was a mistake, but it looked nice anyway.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? If I have it, I might.
5. When do you put your decorations up? Either the first or second weekend after Thanksgiving. I have a fake tree, so it's easy.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? My aunts fudge, or the corn casserole.
7. Favorite Holiday memory? My favorite Holiday memories are with my family. My brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles... and my mom.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I NEVER believed in Santa. Ever. We were Jehovah's Witness'. But I wasn't allowed to tell people either.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Family presents are exchanged Christmas Eve. Santa presents are opened Christmas morning.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? I do the lights. I always do the lights. And then I sit and prepare the ornaments for the kids to put on the tree. We listen to Christmas music and take pictures and sing.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Never seen it.
12. Can you ice skate? No
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
At the moment, I can't think of anything. That's kinda sad... give me time, I'll remember.
14. What’s the most important thing?
The most important thing about the Holidays? Remembering that its about spending time with the ones you love, and not the gifts. I always feel guilty if I cannot afford to buy presents for everyone I love- but I hope they all know how much I love them.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
My aunts fudge. My mom's magic bars (that my sister makes now).
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I don't really have any traditions. I should start some.
17. What tops your tree?
It's a star.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
I like giving them- but I always stress about what I give. I'm always afraid it's not enough. Receiving makes me kind of uncomfortable sometimes.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
Rockin around the Christmas Tree from Brenda Lee or
All I want for Christmas is You from Mariah Carey
20. Candy canes, Yuck or Yum?
I like em.
Since I'm a day late- I won't tag anyone- but I hope you all had a happy christmas.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My Wishes
So I'm wishing things to people who generally do not participate in the Halk Nekkid Thursday thing, but who have been readers and friends for a long time and I love them, even if I don't say it often enough. And I'm putting this out for more than just three people too. Deal with it. It's my blog.
To Andy: A bitchen gig that will boost his career so he can be the best goddamn comedian who also happens to juggle. You plate spinning psycho- I know you dig my rack.
To GolfWidow: Well hell... whatever you want girl. A best selling book. A real live penguin. ummm, lots of tax free cash?? yeah, that stuff. I wish it all for you. Oh, and a Rabbit- cause every girl needs one.
To D-man: The fastest internet access on the planet, whatever that is. I think you've finally upgraded, but damn dude, you had dial up longer than anyone on the planet. I mean, I know you're in Aukland, but it's not a third world country for fucks sake!! Oh, and a motorcycle- so you can still 'ride' to work, but have less injuries and look kinda cool too. Chicks dig the bad boys.
To The Punk Guy: I totally don't always get your music choices. Sometimes I swear I'm like, what the fuck IS this?? Like Screamo?? WTF, dude? But my uncle used to own a record store, like with actual records. He had this huge collection of picture discs an stuff. Did I ever tell you that my mother actually has some framed vinyl on her wall. Elvis I think, the Beatles. Anyway, that's for teaching me that vinyl never stopped being cool and for introducing me to The Gossip and telling me that I AM kinda punk rock, even though I drive a mini-van and I wear crocs to work. A long time ago you linked someone's huge ass collection of vinyl- I can't find the link, but yeah, the hugest collection of vinyl you could want- if I had it to give, it'd be all yours.
So yeah, there's my list of wishes for people you probably don't know, but should. Good blogs, people with shit to say, even if sometimes it's just shit.
Merry Christmas.
To Andy: A bitchen gig that will boost his career so he can be the best goddamn comedian who also happens to juggle. You plate spinning psycho- I know you dig my rack.
To GolfWidow: Well hell... whatever you want girl. A best selling book. A real live penguin. ummm, lots of tax free cash?? yeah, that stuff. I wish it all for you. Oh, and a Rabbit- cause every girl needs one.
To D-man: The fastest internet access on the planet, whatever that is. I think you've finally upgraded, but damn dude, you had dial up longer than anyone on the planet. I mean, I know you're in Aukland, but it's not a third world country for fucks sake!! Oh, and a motorcycle- so you can still 'ride' to work, but have less injuries and look kinda cool too. Chicks dig the bad boys.
To The Punk Guy: I totally don't always get your music choices. Sometimes I swear I'm like, what the fuck IS this?? Like Screamo?? WTF, dude? But my uncle used to own a record store, like with actual records. He had this huge collection of picture discs an stuff. Did I ever tell you that my mother actually has some framed vinyl on her wall. Elvis I think, the Beatles. Anyway, that's for teaching me that vinyl never stopped being cool and for introducing me to The Gossip and telling me that I AM kinda punk rock, even though I drive a mini-van and I wear crocs to work. A long time ago you linked someone's huge ass collection of vinyl- I can't find the link, but yeah, the hugest collection of vinyl you could want- if I had it to give, it'd be all yours.
So yeah, there's my list of wishes for people you probably don't know, but should. Good blogs, people with shit to say, even if sometimes it's just shit.
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
the letter
I have been recieving in the mail, annual family newsletters. While I think they are fun and a good way to catch up with people I don't see often, I still think they are kinda silly. My bestest friend Ed told me that he worked on his family newsletter and I asked, "Oh my god- how can you stand yourself?"
He laughed and said, "I know... I'm sorry."
But just for the fuck of it- here's the Ferrieri Family newsletter.
Dear family and friends:
Holy Crap is it that time already??
Well, the clock on the wall (which tells the date) says that it's Christmastime so here I am to tell you about what happened in the Ferrieri house this year.
Honestly it was pretty blurry the first half of the year. As you may know, our brother in law-Mel, died in a car accident in March. He's missed a lot, and I'll be damned if I don't see him everywhere I turn. It's strange how familiar of a face he had, because everyime time I see a big guy with a grey moustache, I want to just say, "Hey Mel." Even after all this time, and the fact that he really didn't like me very much there at the end, it's hard to believe that he's gone.
Alex is in 8th grade and while he's no longer on his meds, he's still sucking in class just as bad as he was last year when he was on them. Ok, actually it's not THAT bad- but it's not great either. He's playing guitar a lot and often can be found in front of the computer, playing guitar and texting back and forth with any number of 13 year old girls. Who says he has no focus?? Of course, he's got no game. really. I hear him on the phone asking girls, "so why are you calling me?" sigh.... he doesn't get that from me!!
Gabe and Danny are in Kindergarten this year. Danny- in his first year, finally potty trained except he still will not wipe his own butt half the time. Seriously, I think he just holds it at school- because I know that his teacher would not stand for him yelling into the classroom, "Can you wipe my butt!?!?" He's adorable cute though, seriously, and while his teachers think that he may have an attention disorder, like Alex's- he's really smart and funny and all the other things that my sons are famous for. They just don't shut up.
It's interesting how different Gabriel is than the other two, though. He is not as hyper as Alex, or as unfocused as Danny. He's smart and silly. He likes to sing. He's sensitive though, truly a mamas boy. His teachers say that he is a joy to have in class- but then again, don't they always say that?? I know my boys... I'm skeptical.
Sarah is in Grand Junction, Colorado, and I have yet to hear anything she LIKES about Colorado. She is at the top of her class. She lettered in academics, which I think means she's a super brain. She informed me a few months ago that she wants to go to art school... and NOT medical school like before. Sigh... I know. Support her dreams- but I am silently hoping that she will revist the idea of medical school. I was a little happier thinking that she was going to be a doctor, rather than an artist, even if she is a very talented artist.
As for Michael, well, lets see. We reached our 9 year anniversary... (note that I said reached, not celebrated). Be that good or bad, we are still holding on. You know, there's no cure for crazy. I think Michael had less hospitals stays this year than last year. Hey, you find the good things where you can.
And me, well I have to admit that I have not had the worst year of my life. I graduated college in May- which was a huge day for me. She didn't say it, but I know my mom was proud of me. No... she DIDN'T say it to me, but she did say it to everyone else and that's as good as it gets sometimes.
I started Grad School in September and I took two trips to New York City, in June and again in November. I have met so many amazing people this year and I while my life is not perfect, I think it could be worse.
On that note... I guess it's time to finish wrapping presents.
I wish you all love and happiness- or at least the winning lottery ticket!
He laughed and said, "I know... I'm sorry."
But just for the fuck of it- here's the Ferrieri Family newsletter.
Dear family and friends:
Holy Crap is it that time already??
Well, the clock on the wall (which tells the date) says that it's Christmastime so here I am to tell you about what happened in the Ferrieri house this year.
Honestly it was pretty blurry the first half of the year. As you may know, our brother in law-Mel, died in a car accident in March. He's missed a lot, and I'll be damned if I don't see him everywhere I turn. It's strange how familiar of a face he had, because everyime time I see a big guy with a grey moustache, I want to just say, "Hey Mel." Even after all this time, and the fact that he really didn't like me very much there at the end, it's hard to believe that he's gone.
Alex is in 8th grade and while he's no longer on his meds, he's still sucking in class just as bad as he was last year when he was on them. Ok, actually it's not THAT bad- but it's not great either. He's playing guitar a lot and often can be found in front of the computer, playing guitar and texting back and forth with any number of 13 year old girls. Who says he has no focus?? Of course, he's got no game. really. I hear him on the phone asking girls, "so why are you calling me?" sigh.... he doesn't get that from me!!
Gabe and Danny are in Kindergarten this year. Danny- in his first year, finally potty trained except he still will not wipe his own butt half the time. Seriously, I think he just holds it at school- because I know that his teacher would not stand for him yelling into the classroom, "Can you wipe my butt!?!?" He's adorable cute though, seriously, and while his teachers think that he may have an attention disorder, like Alex's- he's really smart and funny and all the other things that my sons are famous for. They just don't shut up.
It's interesting how different Gabriel is than the other two, though. He is not as hyper as Alex, or as unfocused as Danny. He's smart and silly. He likes to sing. He's sensitive though, truly a mamas boy. His teachers say that he is a joy to have in class- but then again, don't they always say that?? I know my boys... I'm skeptical.
Sarah is in Grand Junction, Colorado, and I have yet to hear anything she LIKES about Colorado. She is at the top of her class. She lettered in academics, which I think means she's a super brain. She informed me a few months ago that she wants to go to art school... and NOT medical school like before. Sigh... I know. Support her dreams- but I am silently hoping that she will revist the idea of medical school. I was a little happier thinking that she was going to be a doctor, rather than an artist, even if she is a very talented artist.
As for Michael, well, lets see. We reached our 9 year anniversary... (note that I said reached, not celebrated). Be that good or bad, we are still holding on. You know, there's no cure for crazy. I think Michael had less hospitals stays this year than last year. Hey, you find the good things where you can.
And me, well I have to admit that I have not had the worst year of my life. I graduated college in May- which was a huge day for me. She didn't say it, but I know my mom was proud of me. No... she DIDN'T say it to me, but she did say it to everyone else and that's as good as it gets sometimes.
I started Grad School in September and I took two trips to New York City, in June and again in November. I have met so many amazing people this year and I while my life is not perfect, I think it could be worse.
On that note... I guess it's time to finish wrapping presents.
I wish you all love and happiness- or at least the winning lottery ticket!
Monday, December 22, 2008
December blues
Today was not really better than yesterday. It's hard to get in to it- but I just feel kinda twisted and lost and not at all in the mood to deal with any of it.
I came home from work today and just ignored everyone. I didn't want to talk at all. I made kids dinner and chatted to my friends online. All night. I don't know if it made me feel better, but at least I don't feel worse.
The kids all went to bed early and quietly except for Alex. Who apparently just decided NOT to do the dishes tonight. ummm. what the fuck. If I am not naggin ghte hell out of of everyone, things truly don't get done.
I asked him just now, at almost midnight?- why didn't you do the dishes? You didn't even get started? He gave me a blank stare. That stupid fucking look that his FATHER has. "I don't know." Jesus. I wanted to punch him. What the fuck is that??
It's days like this that I wonder if anyone in this house gives a a shit about me. I'm so fucking tired of this crap!! I hate to act like I'm so unappreciated, but I'm just angry. I hate to be so woe is me. I don't need a wooden cross here. But jesus... I think I have a right to be angry because I feel like I have sacrifice a lot for this family and I think that the fucking dishes can get done right??
Ok. this is a stupid post. I know. I'm depressed. It's not the holidays either. I wish this was seasonal depression. No this is just familial depression.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Who'll ease your pain?
It was a pretty bad day. Tonight I watched the finale of Celebrity Rehab. It's hard to watch every week- and this finale was hard to watch.
They played this song in the end- and I found it on YouTube.
Alter Bridge- Watch Over You
Leaves are on the ground
Fall has come
Blue skies turning grey
Like my love
I tried to carry you
And make you whole
But it was never enough
I must go
Who is gonna save you
When I'm gone?
And who'll watch over you
When I'm gone?
You say you care for me
But hide it well
How can you love someone
And not yourself?
And when I'm gone
Who will break your fall?
Who will you blame?
I can't go on
And let you lose it all
It's more than I can take
Who'll ease your pain?
Ease your pain
Who is gonna save you
When I'm gone?
Who'll watch over you?
Who will give you strength
When you're not strong?
Who'll watch over you
When I've gone away?
Snow is on the ground
Winters come
You long to hear my voice
But I'm long gone
I've said it so many times. Addiction is the worst thing that has ever happened to my life. I have told so many lies. I have so many secrets. Really, what I want is to just sleep.
Crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head, and just not deal with any of it. Somedays are still pretty hard, just dealing with aftermaths... demons that still rise. The athiest said I was overthinking it (sometimes it make me wonder if he knows me at all). No it's not overthinking it, if these are the realities of your life. You simply can't overthink the things that alter your life. If I don't think about it all, then I make rash decisions. It's when I don't think, that I do things on instinct and my instincts, when it comes to him, are usually wrong. I try to bend things to my will and I try to force things to go my way. I can't do that. It's when I "overthink" the options, that I see them all and I make the best one- even if it's not easy for me.
The athiest has the luxury of not over thinking my options, to which I consider him lucky. He refuses to cater to me when I am feeling sorry for myself- and as much as I want to punch him in the face for not knowing that his atitude felt dismissive to me, I guess I wish I had the luxury of putting it on the shelf because I'd rather not have to think about it anymore.
I wish I could close the door on that whole part of my life. Take my ball and go home. Or maybe I wish I could just sit in a cafe, across my good friend, and have a cup of coffee... and not talk about it at all.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Now at Rite Aid: Vibrators????
I found this link over at Fleshbot: Rite Aid On-line Vibrator Guide.

Yeah- really, you need this. It does make a good muscle massager too. The price is pretty good here and it ships for free. It's loud and will warp the reception on the TV, but like who cares?? Own it, love it. Gets more use than the stove.

Anything from Fun Factory is good. The motor is good. The material is good. All good. I have 3 differeint toys from Fun Factory. ALL GOOD.

My brother works at Rite-Aid, I wonder if he gets an online discount? Anyway. They have some pretty standard vibes along with some more adventurous ones.
The Accuvibe is good and doesn't need a cord when it's charged. Tried it, like it.----

Hitachi Magic Wand - 1 ea |
Yeah- really, you need this. It does make a good muscle massager too. The price is pretty good here and it ships for free. It's loud and will warp the reception on the TV, but like who cares?? Own it, love it. Gets more use than the stove.

Fun Factory Smart Vibes Heartbreaker II, Red - 1 ea |

Doc Johnson Madame Butterfly 2 I don't have this. Why don't I have this? You ummmm, straddle it. Yeah, I want this. This is next on my list. Totally!! |
I just started reviewing for this company too. HUGE selection.

Happy Saturday!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Someday I will go to Holland like I promised
My favorite uncle died on Monday. I haven't seen him in many years. 6,7...8. I wish I knew how long it's been. His funeral is tomorrow. In Amsterdam.
I promised him that someday I would go to Holland, but I don't know how much I really meant it. He told me it was beautiful there. He told me that my heritage is there and that it's good to know where your people come from. It's good to walk on the streets that they walked on. I always remembered that statement. "Walk where they walked." We are not close to my Dad's side of the family. I never really thought much about it- the fact that they make no efforts to acknowledge we are alive out here, we don't really acknowledge them either. I guess that is what happens with divorce and death. My dad is gone and most of his family never knew us anyway. Just his brother who used to come and visit. I want to say it was every year- but really he probably did not come to America every year. After my father died, it was less frequent. Several years. then several more.
Regardless of the time, I have many memories of him. I remember one year my mom dropped us off at his hotel and he wasn't outside waiting for us so we didn't know what room he was in. We didn't know his first name. The Dutch have this habit of calling people by nicknames. My mom was Beebs, ("Babes") my dad was Kees ("Case") and my uncle was Bram (like Drum, but with a B). So we never knew his real name. And we didn't know his last name. He was Om Bram, that's what we knew.
When he came out and we told him... he said, "Well... what's YOUR last name??"
Between me and my older brothers, we couldn't figure that one out. I remember he told me that he got sick when he found out my dad died. He got Malaria in Indonesia in the 90's. He liked to drive fast and drove on the Autobahn on more than one occasion.
I know I hadn't seen him in years. I miss him anyway and it makes me miss my dad even more because he's gone. I hate to think that he was alone when he died. I hate to think he suffered, I hope that he didn't. You don't have to see someone every day, or call them every month to love them. I hope he knows I loved him.
His name was Alex.
I named my son after him.
I promised him that someday I would go to Holland, but I don't know how much I really meant it. He told me it was beautiful there. He told me that my heritage is there and that it's good to know where your people come from. It's good to walk on the streets that they walked on. I always remembered that statement. "Walk where they walked." We are not close to my Dad's side of the family. I never really thought much about it- the fact that they make no efforts to acknowledge we are alive out here, we don't really acknowledge them either. I guess that is what happens with divorce and death. My dad is gone and most of his family never knew us anyway. Just his brother who used to come and visit. I want to say it was every year- but really he probably did not come to America every year. After my father died, it was less frequent. Several years. then several more.

When he came out and we told him... he said, "Well... what's YOUR last name??"
Between me and my older brothers, we couldn't figure that one out. I remember he told me that he got sick when he found out my dad died. He got Malaria in Indonesia in the 90's. He liked to drive fast and drove on the Autobahn on more than one occasion.
I know I hadn't seen him in years. I miss him anyway and it makes me miss my dad even more because he's gone. I hate to think that he was alone when he died. I hate to think he suffered, I hope that he didn't. You don't have to see someone every day, or call them every month to love them. I hope he knows I loved him.
His name was Alex.
I named my son after him.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Kickin it- Half Nekkid
What a long day!!
Took the husband to the ER this morning- like 3AM. What I should have done is just gone right upstairs to my office from the ER- but instead I drove him, and went to bed for a few hours- then went into work three hours late. He's ok. Same old.
Today is one of those days that my head screams for a different life. That I wish I didn't have to deal with these issues and I could just be stressed about money like everyone else.
Tonight though- the kids are at my moms, and I've got the apartment to myself. So I'm walking around half nekkid, eating a bowl of ice cream (for dinner btw) and just kickin back, enjoying my Christmas tree.
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!
Took the husband to the ER this morning- like 3AM. What I should have done is just gone right upstairs to my office from the ER- but instead I drove him, and went to bed for a few hours- then went into work three hours late. He's ok. Same old.
Today is one of those days that my head screams for a different life. That I wish I didn't have to deal with these issues and I could just be stressed about money like everyone else.
Tonight though- the kids are at my moms, and I've got the apartment to myself. So I'm walking around half nekkid, eating a bowl of ice cream (for dinner btw) and just kickin back, enjoying my Christmas tree.
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My first semester in Grad School
It's almost over. I have a few assignments a few assignments to complete and then I'm done. Two classes down, 14 to go!!! See me learnin...
This semester was not as hard as I was expecting it to be. It was a lot of work. I wrote 16 papers in the last 16 weeks. I think that may be the same amount that I wrote in all of undergraduate school. I think it was not so hard because these first two classes were more general studies in health care. Next semester is Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis (which will be a lot of statistics) and Health Economics. While I have never been very good at Econ, I really am interested in this class. God knows I didn't learn much in my undergrad Econ class. My teacher was a mess and he was confusing and unfocused. However I really would like to know exactly HOW we can get out of this health care mess we are in.
I would like to understand exactly how the cost of health care goes up- when Insurance Companies and the Federal Government have fixed/contracted rates and the uninsured often don't pay at all. I mean technically I can CHARGE whatever I want to for services, but if I have a contract that says that 75% of my payors are only going to pay X dollars... you see where I'm going with this.
I'm struggling with my career choice though- because while clinical people make the bigger dollars- administrators are not always so lucky. Right now I consider myself VERY lucky to have a job. Neurology is sexy right now- I believe the Hand Clinic was completely dissolved.
Hopefully I have made the right decision by staying in Health Care and not making the jump to public health. I have a little more passion for that- but this is a path of lesser resistance. That's my style, you know??
I think I will complete this semester with an A and B. I am very close to an A in this second class, but I think even with my best efforts, I will be just shy of that 90% . It's worth it- it was a hell of a New York trip.
This semester was not as hard as I was expecting it to be. It was a lot of work. I wrote 16 papers in the last 16 weeks. I think that may be the same amount that I wrote in all of undergraduate school. I think it was not so hard because these first two classes were more general studies in health care. Next semester is Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis (which will be a lot of statistics) and Health Economics. While I have never been very good at Econ, I really am interested in this class. God knows I didn't learn much in my undergrad Econ class. My teacher was a mess and he was confusing and unfocused. However I really would like to know exactly HOW we can get out of this health care mess we are in.
I would like to understand exactly how the cost of health care goes up- when Insurance Companies and the Federal Government have fixed/contracted rates and the uninsured often don't pay at all. I mean technically I can CHARGE whatever I want to for services, but if I have a contract that says that 75% of my payors are only going to pay X dollars... you see where I'm going with this.
I'm struggling with my career choice though- because while clinical people make the bigger dollars- administrators are not always so lucky. Right now I consider myself VERY lucky to have a job. Neurology is sexy right now- I believe the Hand Clinic was completely dissolved.
Hopefully I have made the right decision by staying in Health Care and not making the jump to public health. I have a little more passion for that- but this is a path of lesser resistance. That's my style, you know??
I think I will complete this semester with an A and B. I am very close to an A in this second class, but I think even with my best efforts, I will be just shy of that 90% . It's worth it- it was a hell of a New York trip.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sick around the World
I watched this Frontline Video for my class. If you have some time, watch. It's 5 parts, like 12 minutes each, but any of the 5 parts are interesting.
Click HERE
No, I've never seen Sicko. I just don't like Michael Moore. I am sure the information is good- but I do not like conspiracy theory and people who want to create chaos in EVERYTHING. So while everything in that movie may have been right on, he bugs the ever-livin out of me and I just can't watch.
The Frontline Video makes me think about Healthcare. It makes me think that the US would never agree to a national health system. Corporations would never agree to make LESS money. We love our multi-market fragmented system because wallets are getting fat and people are still getting free health care.
My term paper is on 3 or 4 things that drive up the cost of health care. I have chosen: Pharmaceuticals, Insurance Companies, Technology, and Medical Futility in End of Life Care.
One of the interesting things in this video was that in Great Britian (I think) a family the size of mine would share a $750 a month payment with thier employer. $325 a month is pretty good for 6 people- and then everything is covered. Currently, I pay $140. Another $185 a month would hurt, however.... I also pay at LEAST $200 a month for my husband perscriptions, and doctor appointments. So I guess I would still come out on top. Hospitalizations- another $250 a stay. How many times was my husband hospitalized this year?? I think 12. Have I actually paid any of those bills?? No. Why not?- well where the hell am I going to come up with $250- times 12!!! Now, if he came to MY hospital, it would be covered 100%, deductible waived. However- he doesn't come to this hospital. He doesn't LIKE it here.
Don't Say It.
In Taiwan, if you see the doctor more than 20x a month or 50x in three months, you are paid a visit from the govt. This is how THEY control overusage of the system. No, American's would never let Big Brother in like that. But you know, I think I would vote for a national health system. I don't care if the government knows that my husband is sick, or that I wear contact lenses and have high blood pressure. I'm sure there is more that I'm not thinking about here- but I also know that in this economy, and I mean the financial business of my household- every dime counts and sometimes we just need to make some sacrifices for the good of others. Would I pay a premium because I have a job- knowing that there are some who don't pay a premium because they don't have a job- and we could be in the same hospital room with the same heart surgery? Sure.
I do that already.
What's the alternative?
I do believe that health care is a basic human right, and to deny people care is wrong.
Click HERE
No, I've never seen Sicko. I just don't like Michael Moore. I am sure the information is good- but I do not like conspiracy theory and people who want to create chaos in EVERYTHING. So while everything in that movie may have been right on, he bugs the ever-livin out of me and I just can't watch.
The Frontline Video makes me think about Healthcare. It makes me think that the US would never agree to a national health system. Corporations would never agree to make LESS money. We love our multi-market fragmented system because wallets are getting fat and people are still getting free health care.
My term paper is on 3 or 4 things that drive up the cost of health care. I have chosen: Pharmaceuticals, Insurance Companies, Technology, and Medical Futility in End of Life Care.
One of the interesting things in this video was that in Great Britian (I think) a family the size of mine would share a $750 a month payment with thier employer. $325 a month is pretty good for 6 people- and then everything is covered. Currently, I pay $140. Another $185 a month would hurt, however.... I also pay at LEAST $200 a month for my husband perscriptions, and doctor appointments. So I guess I would still come out on top. Hospitalizations- another $250 a stay. How many times was my husband hospitalized this year?? I think 12. Have I actually paid any of those bills?? No. Why not?- well where the hell am I going to come up with $250- times 12!!! Now, if he came to MY hospital, it would be covered 100%, deductible waived. However- he doesn't come to this hospital. He doesn't LIKE it here.
Don't Say It.
In Taiwan, if you see the doctor more than 20x a month or 50x in three months, you are paid a visit from the govt. This is how THEY control overusage of the system. No, American's would never let Big Brother in like that. But you know, I think I would vote for a national health system. I don't care if the government knows that my husband is sick, or that I wear contact lenses and have high blood pressure. I'm sure there is more that I'm not thinking about here- but I also know that in this economy, and I mean the financial business of my household- every dime counts and sometimes we just need to make some sacrifices for the good of others. Would I pay a premium because I have a job- knowing that there are some who don't pay a premium because they don't have a job- and we could be in the same hospital room with the same heart surgery? Sure.
I do that already.
What's the alternative?
I do believe that health care is a basic human right, and to deny people care is wrong.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
one hot mama
This picture confuses me.
The baby is cute, but then the woman is naked and hot. Is this the idea that 'moms can be hot too'?
I linked it, cause it caught my eye and I wasn't sure what I thought about it. Is she sexy- when she's carrying a baby in her teeth?
Friday, December 12, 2008
precious and unpredictable
A patient died yesterday. Of course, this is not shocking- in hospitals, people die every day. However this patient wasn't expected to die. Despite the fact that he was in the hospital, he wasn't even very sick.
Rarely do we get 'codes' on my floor. I don't work in the ER or the ICU. When the code was called everyone goes running to assist, or just as spectators. I did stand close by, watching the action.
I watched as the nurses I work with, my neuro nurses- specifically two very seasons nurses and one younger nurse- used every skill they have to save this patient. I watched the sweat drip from thier brows as they relentlessly administered CPR for over an hour. The Code Team was amazing. Amidst all the chaos, you could tell that they knew what they were doing. Physicians, nurses, respiratory, pharmacy, lab- even nurses aids were on hand to run for supplies needed. It was critical and everyone knew it.
The patient was not yet 50. The spouse appeared younger. I stood in the vicinity as the physician told her that after 80 minutes, and shocking his heart numerous times (I counted at least 10) they were unable to revive him. They worked so hard. Everyone seemed very defeated. The spouse was devastated. All of us were crying, even myself.
I was only able to see the patient from the chest down, depending on where I was standing. I've never actually seen someone getting CPR before. The amount of force that truly goes in to manually pumping someones heart, I wonder how often patients who have recieved CPR have broken bones. I noticed how his legs went from a fleshy color, to a dusky pale white as the time passed. I noticed how when they shocked his heart, his legs jerked inwards. I noticed how the physician on the case kept mouthing the words, "Come on... come on," even after so much time had passed, I think a lot of people in the room were skeptical that they would get him back.
I also took a moment to wonder how I would feel. If a physician was explaining to me that there was nothing more they could do for my husband. The widow was hysterical. Her husband was not sick enough to die so suddenly.
Life is precious and unpredictable. I experienced that yesterday. I watched a team of people fight to save this mans life. There was noise, and a lot of people, and blood. There was yelling and tears and the looks of despair and sorrow on the faces of these people who tried desperately to save him. Facing the wife, who just lost her husband, the physician didn't appear stoic or unmoved. He was sorry. I admired the nurses, my friends, for thier strength and composure. It's rare that you get to see people at thier true best. I believe I witnessed that.
I went back to my office after they called the time of death, realizing how THAT part is the only thing that looks like it does on TV. I started to cry.
No, it's not at all like it looks on TV.
Rarely do we get 'codes' on my floor. I don't work in the ER or the ICU. When the code was called everyone goes running to assist, or just as spectators. I did stand close by, watching the action.
I watched as the nurses I work with, my neuro nurses- specifically two very seasons nurses and one younger nurse- used every skill they have to save this patient. I watched the sweat drip from thier brows as they relentlessly administered CPR for over an hour. The Code Team was amazing. Amidst all the chaos, you could tell that they knew what they were doing. Physicians, nurses, respiratory, pharmacy, lab- even nurses aids were on hand to run for supplies needed. It was critical and everyone knew it.
The patient was not yet 50. The spouse appeared younger. I stood in the vicinity as the physician told her that after 80 minutes, and shocking his heart numerous times (I counted at least 10) they were unable to revive him. They worked so hard. Everyone seemed very defeated. The spouse was devastated. All of us were crying, even myself.
I was only able to see the patient from the chest down, depending on where I was standing. I've never actually seen someone getting CPR before. The amount of force that truly goes in to manually pumping someones heart, I wonder how often patients who have recieved CPR have broken bones. I noticed how his legs went from a fleshy color, to a dusky pale white as the time passed. I noticed how when they shocked his heart, his legs jerked inwards. I noticed how the physician on the case kept mouthing the words, "Come on... come on," even after so much time had passed, I think a lot of people in the room were skeptical that they would get him back.
I also took a moment to wonder how I would feel. If a physician was explaining to me that there was nothing more they could do for my husband. The widow was hysterical. Her husband was not sick enough to die so suddenly.
Life is precious and unpredictable. I experienced that yesterday. I watched a team of people fight to save this mans life. There was noise, and a lot of people, and blood. There was yelling and tears and the looks of despair and sorrow on the faces of these people who tried desperately to save him. Facing the wife, who just lost her husband, the physician didn't appear stoic or unmoved. He was sorry. I admired the nurses, my friends, for thier strength and composure. It's rare that you get to see people at thier true best. I believe I witnessed that.
I went back to my office after they called the time of death, realizing how THAT part is the only thing that looks like it does on TV. I started to cry.
No, it's not at all like it looks on TV.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pretty in Pink

(clickity click)
I think these are my favorite socks. For some reason they fit a little better than the others do.
If you are seeing this from facebook, leave me a comment. I have NO idea how many people who are reading the updates, and you know- it's good for my ego.
If you're new... Thursdays are Half Nekkid in these parts, so you know- don't look if you can't hang.
Feel free to get Half Nekkid. It's good for the soul.
Clips from my favorite Holiday Movies.
See, it's funny.
And another great scene from another great Holiday movie.
What's your favorite holiday movie- and why??
And one of my favorite Christmas songs. There's no video, just audio. Enjoy it.
Seriously, isn't this a great song?
Please Come Home for Christmas by the Eagles.
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
Christmas and new Years will find you home
There'll be no more sorrow no grief and pain
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Christmas TV
My favorite Christmas Movie is The Ref. It's funny, it's kinda dark, sarcastic and has Kevin Spacey in it. My favorite line:
It must be French.
About 10 years ago, I saw It's a Wonderful Life for the first time. Don't ask me WHY it took so long to see it, it just did. I cried. I cry a lot in movies- this is no shocker. I also get teary at the end of Scrooged and and um... Home Alone.
So far I have seen the Drake and Josh Christmas movie twice. I'm sure I will see it more. I kinda dig Josh Peck, in that Disney Cougar kinda way- now that he's skinny and has that sorta gothy hair. Whatever- don't judge me. We all have our little quirks. He's kinda funny, and "Hug Me Brotha!!" always makes me smile. If you got kids, you know.
Last night I watched, the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. This year, I was asking myself why Charlie Brown never took a semi-automatic to all those fuckers who bossed him around? Really, we ask ourselves how kids LEARN to be so hateful and bully the short kid with the big head- but you know- for every holiday we gather round the TV and watch poor Chuck get ridiculed and demoralized and call it 'family time.'
I also noticed on the Thanksgiving Special that Peppermint Patty and Marci have the typical Dom/sub relationship.
Lucy is a sadistic dominatrix.
A Christmas Story is good, of course, I watch it every year. "Fra-geeee-lay".I'm gonna give you a big wooden cross so every time you feel unappreciated you can climb up and nail yourself to it.
It must be French.
About 10 years ago, I saw It's a Wonderful Life for the first time. Don't ask me WHY it took so long to see it, it just did. I cried. I cry a lot in movies- this is no shocker. I also get teary at the end of Scrooged and and um... Home Alone.
So far I have seen the Drake and Josh Christmas movie twice. I'm sure I will see it more. I kinda dig Josh Peck, in that Disney Cougar kinda way- now that he's skinny and has that sorta gothy hair. Whatever- don't judge me. We all have our little quirks. He's kinda funny, and "Hug Me Brotha!!" always makes me smile. If you got kids, you know.
Last night I watched, the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. This year, I was asking myself why Charlie Brown never took a semi-automatic to all those fuckers who bossed him around? Really, we ask ourselves how kids LEARN to be so hateful and bully the short kid with the big head- but you know- for every holiday we gather round the TV and watch poor Chuck get ridiculed and demoralized and call it 'family time.'
I also noticed on the Thanksgiving Special that Peppermint Patty and Marci have the typical Dom/sub relationship.
Lucy is a sadistic dominatrix.

Monday, December 08, 2008
Holly Jolly Broke Ass Christmas
So our Christmas tree is up- and now it's time to put something under it.
Well hell.
How the fuck am I gonna pay for that??
I told Alex that he was getting money for Christmas. He's old enough for that- and he's thrilled. The little ones don't need a lot- they don't need huge things. God knows they don't need more toys.
Mike and I won't be exchanging gifts. I don't need anything and I can't afford to buy myself anything right now. I am not going to stress about christmas. The kids are young and always get TONS of presents from others. There's just no money for Christmas this year, but my kids never go without.
However, I will put a list of things I'd imaginarily LIKE to have, if I had the money for my husband to buy me a gift.
* A Nintendo DS
* A Wii, for the family
* Blackberry Storm (holy fuck how cool is that?)
* New sneakers (I kinda like THESE)
* A super awesome camera- what is that a D40? Yeah, that. Sure.
* Lap Band Surgery (ok, it's MY list)
Well hell.
How the fuck am I gonna pay for that??
I told Alex that he was getting money for Christmas. He's old enough for that- and he's thrilled. The little ones don't need a lot- they don't need huge things. God knows they don't need more toys.
Mike and I won't be exchanging gifts. I don't need anything and I can't afford to buy myself anything right now. I am not going to stress about christmas. The kids are young and always get TONS of presents from others. There's just no money for Christmas this year, but my kids never go without.
However, I will put a list of things I'd imaginarily LIKE to have, if I had the money for my husband to buy me a gift.
* A Nintendo DS
* A Wii, for the family
* Blackberry Storm (holy fuck how cool is that?)
* New sneakers (I kinda like THESE)
* A super awesome camera- what is that a D40? Yeah, that. Sure.
* Lap Band Surgery (ok, it's MY list)
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Cat on the table
Last night, a kitty came to our back door. She (I am assuming) was lost. A long haired tabby that was so beautiful. Mike and I pet her for a long time on the patio. She came to our back door so I figured she wandered out and didn't know where she was in the back of the complex. We moved her to our front patio and she eventually wandered off. I really did want to let her in the house and keep her forever cause she was so pretty and sweet- but clearly she belonged to someone.
I want a cat.
A few weeks ago I told the Mike I wanted to put a cat on the discussion table. It became kind of a snarky conversation, but in the end, the cat is on the table. Maybe after the new year. I know that if we get a kitty, we need two. I've had cats before. And kittens need to come in pairs otherwise they make you insane. An older cat can be alone. I also want a declawed kitty. No, I don't want one that I need to declaw, cause I do think it's cruel. However, if I rescue one, I think I'd PREFER one that is already declawed. With the kids, and the furniture- it's just better that way.
I like long medium haired cats, and I like tabbies. Well, I LOVE long haired cats, but I just can't deal with all the cat hair everywhere. It's bad enough with short or medium.
Admittedly, I'm resistant to have another pet. When we had to get rid of our last two, it broke my heart. I had Mike take them to a shelter and hoped they would get adopted. Alex still doesn't know the truth, we told him they ran away together. Financially, it's tough to have a pet when they get sick and you have to balance a small checking account between feeding the kids and taking the cat to the vet. I vowed I would never have another pet.
However lately I've been thinking about it- looking at pet adoption websites and demanding that it become a family discussion. Last night, that pretty girl on my patio... sigh, I want one.
Friday, December 05, 2008
O Christmas Tree
We put up our Christmas tree tonight. The e-husband did it with us, which is a first, or at least a first in a while. I did the lights, and arranged the ornaments and the boys put them on the tree and Mike helped and took pictures.

I have good memories of decorating the tree when I was younger. We had a really big fake tree growing up, it was flocked. I think I told this story already, but whatever. My mom used to work evenings so we would all wait for her to come home to decorate the tree. We'd decorate while mom made cookies and we listened to Christmas music.
Or at least that is how I remember it.
Last night we had on some Christmas music and I sang along while decorating, I was downright cheerful.
For those of you who don't know, my mom is a Jehovah's Witness. We stopped celebrating Christmas in my house when I was 15. It really made it hard for me to enjoy the holidays for a long time. I still miss my mom's holiday bars and watching her dance around to Peggy Lee. Ilike having a tree. I didn't always.
After my divorce from my first husband, when I got my own place I didn't have money for a tree. Alex was 2 and didn't really 'get' it yet. Unxpectedly I got $100 bonus from one of the sales guys at work!! I was shocked and went out and bought a tree that day from a tree farm at a church so it was only $15. My best friend overnighted me a box of her older ornaments. My first tree as a single woman had all red lights, and ornaments that were wooden, and small apple ornaments and silver balls. It sounds weird, but it was really pretty.
I continued to use many of the ornaments BFF sent me until last year. We mistakenly kept the ornaments on our patio, and the lid came off- and then it rained. So last year I had a box of ornaments floating in water. I bought all new ones, but I was sad to see some of the classics go.

Welcome Back Holidailies!!
My first day of Holidailies where I will blog every day for 30 days. I think this is the third year I've done this, which means that this blog has been around for two years. Wow, how many of you have been listening to my weekly drivel for two years. Introduce yourself.
*Bows. Thank you. *
So it's December 5th and I started out paying my rent and my babysitter (mom). This afternoon I have to take the youngest Beastie to a doctors appointment to have him evaluated for ADD or ADHD or whatever it could be that gives him the attention span of a door knob. I hate to be one of those mothers who just throws a diagnosis at her kid, but but you know- the OLDEST Beastie has it, so I know what it looks like. I know that way it makes me want to jump out of a window- so don't judge me.
Danny is not as hyperacted as he is inattentive. Alex was not just hyper. He still is. He is not on his meds right now, we are trying it without them. School is a little harder, but really he gets in the same stupid trouble he did last year. It's not the ADHD, it's just Alex.
What concerns me is that I always blamed Alex's DAD for the ADHD. There seems to be just one common demonimator in all three kids- and it aint the dad.
Hey look, a puppy.
*Bows. Thank you. *
So it's December 5th and I started out paying my rent and my babysitter (mom). This afternoon I have to take the youngest Beastie to a doctors appointment to have him evaluated for ADD or ADHD or whatever it could be that gives him the attention span of a door knob. I hate to be one of those mothers who just throws a diagnosis at her kid, but but you know- the OLDEST Beastie has it, so I know what it looks like. I know that way it makes me want to jump out of a window- so don't judge me.
Danny is not as hyperacted as he is inattentive. Alex was not just hyper. He still is. He is not on his meds right now, we are trying it without them. School is a little harder, but really he gets in the same stupid trouble he did last year. It's not the ADHD, it's just Alex.
What concerns me is that I always blamed Alex's DAD for the ADHD. There seems to be just one common demonimator in all three kids- and it aint the dad.
Hey look, a puppy.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Prop 8, The Musical
See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die
Maybe you've all seen it, but I love. Jack Black as Jesus, really- that's fucking awesome.
See ya later, sinners!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Is it Monday yet?
Tonight is the Season Finale of The Pick Up Artist 2. Really what a bunch of douche bags.
Not because the tactics don't work. I can see how they would work, but it's sad to think that these seemingly nice guys are being taught the art of douchebaggery by a guy who wears a fuzzy top hat.
I am going to watch this though, because I've been watching all season and I think the goofy guy is going to win cause he's transformed from a total fucking spaz to a freak with some moves and I think a lip piercing. I can see how Mystery (really dude??) is a good looking guy and he kind of reminds me of a combination of TWO guys I'd totally bang- but without the fuzzy hat. What's with the fuzzy hat?
Not because the tactics don't work. I can see how they would work, but it's sad to think that these seemingly nice guys are being taught the art of douchebaggery by a guy who wears a fuzzy top hat.
I am going to watch this though, because I've been watching all season and I think the goofy guy is going to win cause he's transformed from a total fucking spaz to a freak with some moves and I think a lip piercing. I can see how Mystery (really dude??) is a good looking guy and he kind of reminds me of a combination of TWO guys I'd totally bang- but without the fuzzy hat. What's with the fuzzy hat?
Also I think some mindless television will help me shake off this weekend. I'm never taking 5 days off of work if I'm not leaving town. Mike was in the hospital this weekend and really and these kids were REALLY assholes this weekend. Really.
Alex yelled at me. YELLED at me. Ummm- excuse me? In what fucking planet is THAT acceptable, you little prick?? (no I didn't say that, exactly)
I tell my love to wreck it all
I know that The Athiest is scratching his head right now, cause he's been telling me for fucking EVER what a great song this is- and Bon Iver this and Bon Iver that. I haven't exactly ignored him, but I just never listened as close as I did today. He may be Godless, but he's not without a soul.
And yeah, I love this song for it's hauntingly sweet sound and the way it makes me want to lay on the grass under a tree and just stare into the sky.
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
Now all your love is wasted?
Then who the hell was I?
And yeah, I love this song for it's hauntingly sweet sound and the way it makes me want to lay on the grass under a tree and just stare into the sky.
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
Now all your love is wasted?
Then who the hell was I?
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Pumpkin Bars were delicious.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
There's no pressure about giving or receiving gifts. You don't have to be in a relationship, nor do you have to put on a costume. You can just be who you are, and all you gotta do is acknowledge that maybe your life doesn't 100% suck.
Even that is optional.
I'm not gonna do the whole 'this is what I'm thankful for' post. Not cause I'm NOT thankful for things, but because well, there are enough things in life to put you to sleep.
I'm going to put up my Christmas Tree this weekend if I can figure out where I'm going to move an entire couch.
I'm waiting for the Holidailies site to go up so I can register for it. It starts in three days.
I didn't do any Black Friday Shopping. Nothing was on sale for SUCH a great deal that I had to risk being trampled at Wal-Mart.
I'm waiting for the Holidailies site to go up so I can register for it. It starts in three days.
I didn't do any Black Friday Shopping. Nothing was on sale for SUCH a great deal that I had to risk being trampled at Wal-Mart.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
pictures of nothing, that mean everything

Midtown, Kinda Rainy. I have been here twice, so I can say I don't love being in Midtown, but I do like pictures of it with the lights and the Neon. It kinda reminds me of Vegas, without the legal prostitution.

West Side, this tree was across the street from my room. I thought the color was pretty but I should have taken the pic from outside. You know, we don't really get the colors leaves here in Cali. Falling asleep to the sounds of the city made this trip very memorable.

Lower East Side. 2nd Street and ummmm... anyone?

Another picture of the LES. For as dingy as it is, it's kinda the place to be.

Not a clue what church this is. It's by Rockefeller center and we turned a corner and were stunned by this building.

I really like the trio in the bottom left of this picture looking at the ceiling.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HNT, Manhattan will wait for me
I have time. New York City is not going anywhere, and I will be back. Maybe not anytime soon- but it won't be long. New York represents something for me- a place and a life that isn't mine, but could have been, or maybe should have been.

But you know that when the truth is told..
That you can get what you want or you get old
You're gonna kick off before you even
Get halfway through
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?
-Billy Joel
That you can get what you want or you get old
You're gonna kick off before you even
Get halfway through
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?
-Billy Joel
Someday, New York, someday.
Why I went to NYC
So for those of you who don't know- the main reason I went to NYC was for this.

Yes it was my birthday weekend, and yes it was a girls weekend. LOTS AND LOTS of girls weekend. I met some of the finest and sexiest bloggers in New York or anywhere else, I'm sure. My girl Lilly came down from PA and hung out for one night also and we had a blast!
Now you know how weird I get in social situations. How I worry about doing something stupid, or falling, or spilling my red drink on someone wearing all white. Of course this was weird for me- but you know, these are my people.
For those of you in the know, I am known as someone else in other circles. And that someone else is way braver and cooler and hotter than the Julie you know and love. Insane, but true. So I was there, looking fantastic in my new dress, rubbing elbows and anything else I could rub against.
It was a blast and it was great to meet the people I chat with so often. I laughed because most people knew my hair, and my blog name, but by first name- there were some blank faces. Once the blog is identified.... then the sparks of recognition, and hugs and groping ensued. Ah the groping.

Now you know how weird I get in social situations. How I worry about doing something stupid, or falling, or spilling my red drink on someone wearing all white. Of course this was weird for me- but you know, these are my people.
For those of you in the know, I am known as someone else in other circles. And that someone else is way braver and cooler and hotter than the Julie you know and love. Insane, but true. So I was there, looking fantastic in my new dress, rubbing elbows and anything else I could rub against.
It was a blast and it was great to meet the people I chat with so often. I laughed because most people knew my hair, and my blog name, but by first name- there were some blank faces. Once the blog is identified.... then the sparks of recognition, and hugs and groping ensued. Ah the groping.
1,2...6 drinks into the night and I was happily rubbing up against my favorite writers, few of the sexiest bitches and butches a bi-girl like me could ever hope to score. And yeah, there was some scoring to be had. But I won't go in to that.
The after party simply cannot be spoken of here- cause this is just not that kinda place. um.. no.
For as much as the party was the best time I'd had since, well, my last trip to NYC, brunch on Saturday was amazing. 10 of us, unmade and natural, laughing and giggling and eating- and kissing. There was lotsa kissing. First it was amongst the others, but not to be left out I said, "hey- I came all the way from California! Doesn't anyone want to make out with ME?"
So yes, making out with me happened too. Ahhh- women are really soft- but the sexy butches I did my best to make an *ahem* good impression on were not at brunch, cause to make out with them woulda been.... ahhhh, worth the explaining AND the bi-curious gender confusion.
I'm still putting my pictures together- but here's a fave of mine. Me and Tess at brunch, this was after we made out. See how happy I look?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
More pictures from the city.
My girl Lilly came and spent 28 hours with me in the city. We had a blast together and it makes me so sad to know that I don't get to hang out with her every weekend. Funny how you meet people and you feel like you've known them forever cause you click and connect so easily.
speaking of clicking, click HERE for her pictures.
Miss you Lillygirl.
speaking of clicking, click HERE for her pictures.
Miss you Lillygirl.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Doesn't EVERYONE cry in Grand Central Station?
Yesterday when I was done crying in Grand Central Station, I headed back to the subway and saw these dancers. It was really cool and cheered me up.
So much to say but I'm suffering from serious vacation-drop, so it may be a day or two. Some things I can't talk about here, due to the content, and some things, I'm just not ready to talk about. But I'll post some pictures.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
My view of the election- HNT
And what I mean is that I spent most of last night laying on the couch while I was watching it. What an amazing night, what an amazing moment in history.
I cried.
I cheered.
and like so many American's, I was proud.

Can't you see the pride??
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!
I cried.
I cheered.
and like so many American's, I was proud.

Can't you see the pride??
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy Halloween- HNT
I am not a big fan of Halloween. I haven't been since I was about 13 or 14 and Carrie forced me to go out trick or treating. Seriously- we were way to old for it. I dressed up and went with them, but I did not go to door. No, no no. The 4 of us went as Smurfs, by the way. I don't have THAT picture but I know it's somewhere.
We take the kids trick or treating now, usually to the local mall cause it's safer and they run out of steam pretty quickly. Alex doesn't get to a costume this year cause a) I think he's too old and b) his grades suck and c) he got suspended for fighting last week. So yeah, no candy for you, ya little delinquent!!
I did find this picture though. I was 7 years old. My mother made this costume, and yes- I won awards. My mom made the rockin-est costumes and I was fucking cute!!!
And I know I'm not Half Nekkid, but you know- if you wanna click underneath, there's a picture of the costume I WOULD wear, you know, it I did that kind of thing...

It's funny how Halloween is always a good excuse for girls to just get slutty!!!
I don't really NEED a costume for that.
Happy HNT!
We take the kids trick or treating now, usually to the local mall cause it's safer and they run out of steam pretty quickly. Alex doesn't get to a costume this year cause a) I think he's too old and b) his grades suck and c) he got suspended for fighting last week. So yeah, no candy for you, ya little delinquent!!
I did find this picture though. I was 7 years old. My mother made this costume, and yes- I won awards. My mom made the rockin-est costumes and I was fucking cute!!!
And I know I'm not Half Nekkid, but you know- if you wanna click underneath, there's a picture of the costume I WOULD wear, you know, it I did that kind of thing...
It's funny how Halloween is always a good excuse for girls to just get slutty!!!
I don't really NEED a costume for that.
Happy HNT!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Obama Rally in Ft. Collins
My Bestest Friend Ed and his fam went to see Obama speaking in Fort collins, CO on Sunday with 50,000 other people. He wrote up his account for someone else's blog but I am stealing it. Very exciting, the first thing he said to me was, "Wow what an amazing speaker and I only heard half of it!"
It's long, he's kind of a talker... but I'm still jealous...
Yesterday (Sunday Oct 26), Democratic candidate for president Barack Obama spoke at two rallies in the Denver area - one in front of the capitol building in Denver (reports say that well over 100,000 people showed up for the morning rally in Denver!), and another one in Fort Collins on the CSU campus (nearly 50,000 people!). My family and I decided to go to Fort Collins for the 3:30pm speech. We knew there'd be a lot of people, since the University claimed to expect over 20,000 prior to the event. So we planned to head up there early!
We did not plan well enough! Confusion over the time caused some problems (anybody else notice their VCR's 'fell back' an hour Saturday night?), and a sudden and quite heavy bloody nose brought our expedition to a sudden detour (Natalie is prone to them, but this one was shocking -- double handful of bloody tissues, anyone?). Sometimes I think my lovely wife single-handedly keeps the tissue and moisturizer industries in business.
Fort Collins is about an hour North of our home in Thornton, and then another twenty minutes West to our initial destination. After a quick stop in Erie to pick up our mothers and speeding through lunch followed by the uber-nosebleed, Katie, Natalie, Laura, mom and I finally arrived at the South end of the bus route serving the event. Front Range Community College, where buses were queued up to take passengers to CSU campus. The parking lot at FRCC was surprisingly not remotely full. We began to think that we were in for a break since OBVIOUSLY the city of Fort Collins wasn't overwhelmed with visitors!
Not so. We rode our bus North on College Ave. into the heart of campus (see A on my map of the
Yes, it looked pretty grim. It was nearly 3:30 and the line stretched out ahead of us interminably. We thought about giving up, but held fast! The decision point came a few minutes later (See C on map). We came to a fork, at which point we could see the line we'd been following, on the other side of a gap 30 yards ahead of us; and we could see all the people immediately in front of us heading off quickly to the right - toward The Oval where the event was scheduled to begin right then. Why did the line split? Where were these people going? A small knot of campaign volunteers were standing there telling us that we were to go thataway - toward The Oval. "I don't know what's going on, but go that way." Very reassuring words! Perhaps we were being led back to the bus stop?
I'm kind of a law-and-order guy. I don't take cuts. I had a short-term hard time deciding whether to follow the crowd or get back into the same line we'd been in for so long. We decided as a group to go right, and see what happened. Heck, we were already late and our line hadn't been moving very quickly. Why not?! So we hustled and followed the new route directly into the heart of campus.
Things got a little ugly when our short cut brought us into contact with The Line we'd gotten out of. We'd bypassed a significant chunk of The Line and were re-merging with The Line (see D on map). None of us realized at this point that all order had broken down at the gates to The Oval... ;-) So, a woman was standing apart from The Line, hollering at all of us (several hundred of whom had already merged into The Line) "Who are you people!? You can't cut in here!" She was all serious and indignant. I felt sorry for her, on one level, because haven't we all felt that emotion? But part of me also laughed, inside, at the absurdity of her standing there trying to hold off hundreds more line-crashers. Brave, foolish person. Tsk tsk.
Undaunted, our sizeable force invaded The Line (which was at this point about 15 people abreast). But The Line was fracturing anyway. Packs of people broke off and headed to The Oval via other routes. It was very chaotic and lots of people pushing and shoving. I held tight to Katie's hand - she's 5 years old - and I was concerned she might get scared in the crush of people. But she was actually very brave the whole time. We kept getting separated from the moms, Natalie had Katie some of the time, I did some of the time. But happily, it never devolved into fighting or people-stomping. It was as peaceful as a mob could be!
Around us, people had their cell phones out; friends inside The Oval were relaying the speech to people in line. I heard part of the speech that way: "We are the United States of America. We are a nation that's faced down war and depression; great challenges and great threats. And at each and every moment, we have risen to meet these challenges – not as Democrats, not as Republicans, but as Americans. With resolve. With confidence. With that fundamental belief that here in America, our destiny is not written for us, but by us. That's who we are, and that's the country we need to be right now."
At this point, we spotted our first McCain/Palin supporters. They were wandering around with those ironic "Country First" signs that always give me a giggle. Poor suckers. Our mob managed to spurt out a few yells and jeers which came across kind of nasty considering the vast outnumbering going on. Later I spotted some folks wielding pink 'Obama the communist' signs and sporting red hammer & sickle motif signs. Little packs of pot-stirrers in a sea of excited, amped up Obama supporters. You wouldn't catch me doing something similar!
As The Line headed North on West Drive, picking up speed, it started to feel eerily like the scene in Lord of the Rings where the orcs start pouring through the walls of Helm's Deep. A handful of campaign volunteers stood behind trash bins and barked "Don't run! Walk please!" (I somehow resisted the urge to smite them with my orcish sword.) Obama signs of the sort that get waved during speeches were scattered in the street, their paper-tube handles crushed by dirty shoe-prints. I saw a clipboard with volunteer registration forms laying among litter. Everywhere the signs of a crowd-control struggle gone wrong. (It appears, actually, that once Obama started his speech and The Oval was near full, security simply decided to let people in without searching them.)
We could hear the crowd cheering and snippets of Obama's speech coming from ahead of us. "...stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas and invest in companies that create good jobs right here in Colorado." It sounds so powerful in person, compared to the flat, over-rehearsed sound you get when watching him speak on TV. Live, it was fiery, urgent, and more inspiring. "...I won't let banks and lenders off the hook when it was their greed and irresponsibility that got us into this mess." Soon, encouraged by the amplified voice and amplified crowd, we were approaching the line of easy-ups that served as the security checkpoint (see E on map). The white canopies stood unoccupied by any official presence now, while literally thousands of people streamed through them. The Oval itself was sectioned off into multiple 'pens'. We all poured into a pen on the SouthWest sixth of The Oval.
"There's been a lot of talk about taxes in this campaign. And the truth is, my opponent and I are both proposing tax cuts. The difference is, he wants to give a $700,000 tax cut to the average Fortune 500 CEO. I want to put a middle class tax cut in the pockets of 95% of workers and their families. My opponent doesn't want you to know this, but under my plan, tax rates will actually be less than they were under Ronald Reagan."
"If I am President, I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create five million new, green jobs over the next decade – jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced; jobs building solar panels and wind turbines and fuel-efficient cars; jobs that will help us end our dependence on oil from Middle East dictators."
At the opposite end of the great open space, filled with giant oaks all sporting their autumn red and gold and orange, was a rank of bleachers surmounted by a giant "CHANGE" banner (see F on map). Beneath and in front of the banner was a small stage with a lone podium. At the podium stood Barack, in his black jacket and white shirt (no tie - the FOX people like to line up this look in comparison to the way Ahmedinijad tends to dress). The crowd was massive. Since I'm just over six feet tall, I was able to see over the top of many people's heads and actually spot Obama across the crowds. My wife and our moms could not see him at all. Katie put her hands to her ears, because the noise of the crowd and the blaring loudspeakers assaulted her, but she was excited to be there and I put her on my shoulders. I don't think she actually saw the candidate, though. She's too unfamiliar with crowds to know how to orient in one. You have to know what to look for at that kind of distance. Where are the people out there looking? Where are the lights pointed? Where are the cameras pointed? What positioning of the stage would position Obama properly for photos?
"And if I'm President, we'll give every child, everywhere the skills and the knowledge they need to compete with any worker, anywhere in the world. I will not allow countries to out-teach us today so they can out-compete us tomorrow. It is time to provide every American with a world-class education. That means investing in early childhood education. That means recruiting an army of new teachers, and paying them better, and giving them more support in exchange for higher standards and more accountability."

There was a nice couple beside me; the man lifted his wife up so she could see over people's heads. She was holding binoculars, but it took her a couple of minutes to find Obama across The Oval. But she did finally spot him, and she grinned so wide! She whooped and raised an arm triumphantly. The assembled thousands roared after each statement, each proposal. Roars of approval, not roars of hatred or fear.
"There are no real or fake parts of this country. We are not separated by the pro-America and anti-America parts of this nation – we all love this country, no matter where we live or where we come from. There are patriots who supported this war in Iraq and patriots who opposed it; patriots who believe in Democratic policies and those who believe in Republican policies. The men and women from Colorado and all across America who serve on our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served the United States of America."
Fifteen minutes went by so quickly; soon he was thanking the crowd, saying "...if you stand with me in nine days, I promise you – we will win Colorado, we will win this election, and then you and I – together – will change this country and change this world. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America." And then the music fired up:
Like a fool I went and stayed too long
Now I'm wondering if your love's still strong
Oo, baby, here I am, signed,
sealed, delivered, I'm yours!
Then that time I went and said goodbye
Now I'm back and not ashamed to cry
Oo, baby, here I am, signed,
sealed, delivered, I'm yours!
Here I am baby
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm yours
Katie was glad when the crowd dispersed and she could run around. People all around us were happy and not grumpy about the crowding. Those of us with cameras showed our photos around, which was nice since so many people in our part of The Oval hadn't been able to see Obama over the heads of the crowd. We spotted about a dozen SWAT officers, well armed and in black body armor. On the way back to the bus, we saw another half-dozen McCain supporters protesting Obama. No catcalls this time, as far as I could see. We left inspired and optimistic.
It's pretty cool to live in a Battleground State. Everyone should give it a try some time!
[Thanks to '' for making the transcript of the speech available. If you want to read the whole thing, check it out here: ]
"And if I'm President, we'll give every child, everywhere the skills and the knowledge they need to compete with any worker, anywhere in the world. I will not allow countries to out-teach us today so they can out-compete us tomorrow. It is time to provide every American with a world-class education. That means investing in early childhood education. That means recruiting an army of new teachers, and paying them better, and giving them more support in exchange for higher standards and more accountability."
There was a nice couple beside me; the man lifted his wife up so she could see over people's heads. She was holding binoculars, but it took her a couple of minutes to find Obama across The Oval. But she did finally spot him, and she grinned so wide! She whooped and raised an arm triumphantly. The assembled thousands roared after each statement, each proposal. Roars of approval, not roars of hatred or fear.
"There are no real or fake parts of this country. We are not separated by the pro-America and anti-America parts of this nation – we all love this country, no matter where we live or where we come from. There are patriots who supported this war in Iraq and patriots who opposed it; patriots who believe in Democratic policies and those who believe in Republican policies. The men and women from Colorado and all across America who serve on our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served the United States of America."
Fifteen minutes went by so quickly; soon he was thanking the crowd, saying "...if you stand with me in nine days, I promise you – we will win Colorado, we will win this election, and then you and I – together – will change this country and change this world. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America." And then the music fired up:
Like a fool I went and stayed too long
Now I'm wondering if your love's still strong
Oo, baby, here I am, signed,
sealed, delivered, I'm yours!
Then that time I went and said goodbye
Now I'm back and not ashamed to cry
Oo, baby, here I am, signed,
sealed, delivered, I'm yours!
Here I am baby
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm yours
Katie was glad when the crowd dispersed and she could run around. People all around us were happy and not grumpy about the crowding. Those of us with cameras showed our photos around, which was nice since so many people in our part of The Oval hadn't been able to see Obama over the heads of the crowd. We spotted about a dozen SWAT officers, well armed and in black body armor. On the way back to the bus, we saw another half-dozen McCain supporters protesting Obama. No catcalls this time, as far as I could see. We left inspired and optimistic.
It's pretty cool to live in a Battleground State. Everyone should give it a try some time!
[Thanks to '' for making the transcript of the speech available. If you want to read the whole thing, check it out here: ]
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Would you like to hear the specials?
Someone asked me:
"So wait. You are ok with being tied up but you are afraid of the dentist??"

"So wait. You are ok with being tied up but you are afraid of the dentist??"
Well, I have no logic for that. I never said my thought process made sense. 'Tied up' is kinda awesome and I am handy with the rope, I find. Also whatever is going in my mouth while tied is not sharp, so there's that.
So hey- I am super stoked that this last week I sold a dildo to someone who has NEVER played with one before. She may be over 50 (just cause of how long she's been married) and ever since she brought it up to her husband, he's been really excited that she buy something and now he's all excited about when it comes in. See, it's stuff like THAT that makes me feel like I'm not just a dildo slut. I'm HELPING people.
Sex is natural, and sex toys are not abnormal or anything to be afraid of or embarassed about. So I get questions?
What's the best one?
What's your favorite?
Well my favorite, is the Hitachi. Now some people have said that something that cranks out 6000 rpms is gonna mess up my stuff. Make it so that is the only thing that gets me off, and blah blah blah. Well, that is not true for me, but if it was... well, so what!

The upside of the Hitachi is that plugs in so you don't need batteries. The downside is that messes up the reception on the TV. Really. Do NOT pay more than $55 for this (excluding tax and shipping) I have seen it online for up to $75. While it's worth every penny... well, it shouldn't be more than that. And sometimes you can find it for less. The other good good thing about this is that if someone comes across it, you know, like your kid- it really is a muscle massager. Like a friend with benefits. score.
As far as the BEST toy, that depends on you. It depends on what you are looking for. It depends on your comfort and experience level.
Beginner<---------Vanilla---------Experimental-----A Litte Freaky------>Hardcore
It depends on if you want internal or external stimulation. It depends on if you are concerned about materials (jelly, silicone, glass, metal). It depends on your body (I know a girl who claims to have a clit-o-steel) It depends on your wallet.
If you have questions, email me. Don't be embarassed cause really- there's nothing to be embarassed about. Guys, you wanna buy something for your girl, or yourself but don't know where to start, well maybe I can help with some suggetions. I don't even care if you buy it from somewhere else, although I am available to sell you just about anything. We are responsible for our own pleasure.
We eat when we are hungry right? Let me be your waitress.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
#47 reason to own a laptop

This is what a girl watching internet porn while her husband is sitting on the couch looks like. Totally unassuming.
Happy HNT.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Instead? Instead of what??
I think I have found the best thing to happen to my period since pregnancy.
INSTEAD of shoving a wad of cotton up my twat.
INSTEAD of leaking on my panties.

It goes in like a diaphragm, sits up against your cervix. It doesn't attempt to absorb, which I know I have talked about before and it just doesn't work. These work. For a LONG time. I don't have a heavy flow and I can wear it for 10 hours. Not a drop.

The changing of the cup is sorta like surgery without the scalpel. Here's what I go in with:
The cup
Two disposable gloves
A peri bottle of water
Some lube
(the last three are not required, but I suggest it).
Put on one glove, reach in to the vag with one finger- bear down a little bit so the ring slides forward pull out- and empty it into the toilet. I use the peri bottle and rinse the ring off a bit and then use the rest of the water to rinse myself off. Turn the glove inside out with the ring inside. My attempt here is so as not to LOOK at it. You don't have to rinse it off either, but I just prefer it.
Dispose of the glove with ring inside it.
Clean up.
Put on another glove. Put a small squirt of lube on my gloved fingers and then lube the outside of the new ring. Stand, foot on the toilet seat. Make the Figure 8 with the ring push in into vag until it rests behind my pelvic bone. Dispose of glove.
yeah, it's a bit of a process- but it only takes 5 minutes. and then I don't have to do it again for TEN FUCKING HOURS!!! If you have a heavier flow then you'd do it more often. Even on my heavy days, it's not that heavy.
So there weird part is this:
SEEING the blood. I am not used to actually looking at that much blood in the toilet. The first time, I admit I got a little queasy. But really it's not THAT much. (I read that you really only loose about a cup of blood over the entire course of your period. And I doubt I lose that much, so really, it's probably less than an ounce.)
Grossed out yet?
Well, like it said- it was weird the first time. But now I'm on day three of my period. Clean panties and I'm happy. It leaks a little bit when you are using the toilet, but it's ok THEN. I hear you can have sex with it in too, just put in a fresh one so in case it does spill there will be very little. Super score.
They also make the Diva Cup, which is reusable and the Moon Cup, also reusable. And a sponge. Seriously. A SPONGE!!! I want to try this too.
If you have tried any of these- share with the class. Please.
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